- Pragmatism in Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》中的实用主义
- In Sister Carrie, Dreiser attaches great importance to consumer environment. 论文第四部分讨论的是德莱塞如何在这部自然主义小说中突显了消费环境的影响。
- Dreiser advocates the truthful reflection of life in Sister Carrie, and he clears the way for the development of American literature. 德莱塞独辟新径,主张真实反映生活,为美国文学的发展扫清了道路。
- This paper attempts to study and summarize the naturalistic features in Sister Carrie. 本论文作者试图在他人的基础上结合自己的新视角一消费主义和作品中彰显自然主义的二元对立手法,全面地探讨小说中的自然主义特色。
- Part Three analyzes three major characters in Sister Carrie, including two male characters---Drouet and Hurstwood, and one female character---Carrie. 第三部分是人物分析,包括三个主要人物:两个男性人物杜洛埃和赫斯乌特,以及女性人物嘉莉。
- This essay analyses the reflection of naturalism on Theodore Dreiser' s attitude towards love and marriage in Sister Carrie. 本文对德莱塞自然主义情感观在嘉莉身上的体现进行了分析。
- Sister Carrie, the heroine in Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser, came to a big city to realize her "American Dream" for the purpose of getting rid of poverty. 摘要嘉莉妹妹是德莱塞成名作《嘉莉妹妹》主人公,她不甘穷困,来到大城市实现自己的“美国梦”。
- Among his belief in naturalism,the most conspicuous one is his theory of ethics relativity,which is shown unsystematically in his novels,especially in Sister Carrie. 小说主人公嘉莉先后做过两个男人的情妇,不仅没有受到惩罚,最终还成为了一个有钱的明星。
- In Sister Carrie and Jennie Gerhardt Dreiser depicted two girls of diverse personalities and ensuing fates to reflect his unique naturalistic ethic that human behavior resulted from intrinsic instinct in combination with extrinsic environment. 摘要在《嘉丽妹妹》和《珍妮姑娘》这两部作品中,德莱塞刻画出了两个性格迥异、命运不同的女性形象。
- On the Contrast and Symbolism in Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》中的对比和象征艺术
- The Function of Economy in Sister Carrie 论《嘉丽妹妹》中经济的作用
- The Naturalistic Features in Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义特色
- Social Darwinism as Seen in Sister Carrie 社会达尔文主义在《嘉莉妹妹》中的反映
- Sister Carrie was bewildered by the crowd and traffic in the city. 嘉莉妹妹被城里众多的人群和繁忙的交通弄得晕头转向。
- Chapter I focuses on the pragmatism spirit Sister Carrie reflects, which has a long history in America. 第一章讲述了《嘉莉妹妹》所反映的有很长历史的美国实用主义精神。
- Analysis of the Tragic Death of Hurstwood in Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯特伍德悲剧之死解读
- Be a good actor on the stage; Be pragmatic in the daily life. 灯光下是舞台,低调才是生活。
- I'm looking for "Sister Carrie". Can you help me find it? 我在找"嘉莉妹妹"。你能帮忙吗?
- The money worship, hedonism, egoism all there is development with pragmatism in the social each realm. 拜金主义、享乐主义、利己主义和实用主义在社会的各个领域都有发展。
- My life is based upon two very simple, sweeping philosophies: pragmatism in actions and idealism in thought. 我的生活基于两种非常简单又广泛的哲学为基础:实用主义和理想主义。