- Premenstrual endometrium 月经前期子宫内膜
- Here is early secretory endometrium. 这是早期分泌期子宫内膜。
- What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? 何谓经前综合症?
- What are typical premenstrual symptoms? 经前综合症有甚麽症状?
- This is normal secretory phase endometrium. 这是正常的分泌期的子宫内膜。
- The incidence of menalgia and premenstrual syndrome are quite high. 影响女生正常月经调节因素的顺位依次为环境因素、生物因素、气质特征及负性生活事件;
- This adenocarcinoma of the endometrium is more obvious. 图示子宫内膜腺癌。
- The level of androgen had no relation with endometrium hyperplasia. 雄激素水平的高低与子宫内膜增生无关。
- Spiral artery is the main nutrient vessel of the endometrium. 子宫螺旋动脉是营养子宫内膜的主要血管。
- If you don't stimulate the endometrium, you don't get any bleeding. 如果子宫内膜没有受到活化,就根本不会发生出血事件。”
- The fMRI method may shed light on severe premenstrual symptoms, too. 功能性核磁共振成像技术也也许能清楚地显示出剧烈的经期前的征兆。
- The general symptoms of premenstrual and menstrual periods were collected. 调查内容为经前期症状及行经期间的一般症状。
- More recently,B6 has won favor as a relief for premenstrual syndrome. 近年来维生素B6得宠,被拿来减轻经前综合症。
- The endometrium and its fluids play a major role in the reproductive process. 子宫内膜及其液体在生殖过程中起着重要作用。
- The presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus. 子宫膜出现在别的地方而不是子宫内。
- Moreover the endometrium situated in the mesometrium was incomplete. 意外发现子宫系膜侧的子宫内膜缺损。
- These contractions occur allowing the uterus to expel its lining (endometrium). 这些收缩被发现有利于子宫剥落其内膜(子宫内膜)。
- Not all adenocarcinomas identified in an EMB are from the endometrium. 并非所有EMB(子宫内膜活检)发现的腺癌都起源于子宫内膜。
- Many women suffer from premenstrual tension/syndrome, causing headaches and depression. 许多妇女患月经前紧张/综合症,引起头疼和情绪低落。
- Calcium carbonate and the premenstrual syndrome: Effects on premenstrual and menstrual symptoms. 碳酸钙与经前紧张综合征:对经前和经期症状的作用。