- Blair sent his senior foreign policy adviser to Damascus last month to hold talks with President Bashar al Assad. 布莱尔上月派其高级外交政策顾问去大马士革同叙利亚总统巴沙尔?萨德和谈。
- The Arab daily al Hayat headlined that Syrian President Bashar al Assad told Mitchell, over the weekend, that "Arab rights and the return of the Golan Heights," were at the top of his agenda. 阿拉伯每日生活报报导说,叙利亚总统巴沙尔在上周末告诉米切尔,“阿拉伯的权利和归还戈兰高地”是他最重要的议题。
- Former Vice President Al Gore was the guest speaker. 前副总统阿尔.;戈尔也应邀发言。
- Former Vice President Al Gore has arrived in Oslo,Norway. 美国前副总统阿尔戈尔抵达挪威奥斯陆。
- M.C.:Twenty-five years ago, vice President Al Gore received a degree in Government, with Honors, from Harvard College. 主持人:25年前,副总统阿尔·戈尔获哈佛大学授予的行政管理学位证书和优等生荣誉证书。
- FTF) Former Vice President Al Gore has called on Americans to elimanate their dependence on oil within 10 years. 诺贝尔和平奖的获得者戈尔近日又有新举措,他呼吁美国切断对石油的依赖,在十年内彻底转向可再生能源...
- The 56-year old Branson, who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1999, said he was inspired by former vice president Al Gore to make the commitment. 56岁的布兰森在1999年时,受伊丽莎白女王册封为爵士,他表示是受了前美国副总统高尔的启发,而做了这项承诺。
- I remember talking once to a corporate executive who had been a big supporter of Vice President Al Gore during the 2000 presidential race. 我记得有一次与一个公司的主管谈话,在2000年总统竞选时,他曾经是副总统戈尔的重要支持者。
- Among them,former Vice President Al Gore,he and UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change share the Nobel Peace Prize. 戈尔和联合国政府间气候变化工作组一起分享了诺贝尔和平奖。
- Alumni in some of these fields include writers Henry David Thoreau, W.E.B.Du Bois, and T.S.Eliot;former member of Congress Patricia Schroeder and Vice President Al Gore. 这些领域的杰出人才,包括梭罗、包伊、汤玛斯艾略特,以及现在的国会议员史考罗德,和副总统高尔。
- Two Florida counties scrambled to tally by hand more ballots in the achingly tight presidential election on Friday, as lawyers for Vice President Al Gore vowed to extend their legal battle into next week. 美国总统大选战况激烈,佛州两郡的人工计票仍继续进行,对于迈阿密德郡停止人工计票,副总统戈尔的律师团誓言上诉到底,即使计票结果将于星期日公布。
- Vice President Al Gore has authorized a new appeal to the Florida Supreme Court, asking the justices who gave him one of his most important legal victories to force a new recount of disputed presidential ballots in a hurry. 副总统戈尔向佛州高等法院提起新的诉讼,要求尽快重新计票,以解决总统选举的争议。
- And in February 1997, 130 American environmental organizations signed a letter asking Vice President Al Gore to encourage the Canadian Government to pass an endangered-species bill then being considered by the Canadian Parliament. 1997年2月130个美国的环保组织签名上书给副总统阿尔·戈尔,要求他促进加拿大政府通过有关濒危物种的法案,当时加拿大议会也正在考虑这个问题。
- And in February 1997,130 American environmental organizations signed a letter asking Vice President Al Gore to encourage the Canadian Government to pass an endangered-species bill then being considered by the Canadian Parliament. 1997年2月130个美国的环保组织签名上书给副总统阿尔·戈尔,要求他促进加拿大政府通过有关濒危物种的法案,当时加拿大议会也正在考虑这个问题。
- As he stepped off the political stage,Vice President Al Gore managed to achieve what had often eluded him during his presidential campaign: He won Americans over by persuading them of his sincerity and likability. 副总统戈尔宣布退出总统大选,在他的退出演说中,他展现的真诚和人缘获得美国一致的认同。
- Two Florida counties scrambled to tally by hand more ballots in the achingly tight presidential election on Friday,as lawyers for Vice President Al Gore vowed to extend their legal battle into next week. 美国总统大选战况激烈,佛州两郡的人工计票仍继续进行,对于迈阿密德郡停止人工计票,副总统戈尔的律师团誓言上诉到底,即使计票结果将于星期日公布。
- Vice President Al Gore has authorized a new appeal to the Florida Supreme Court,asking the justices who gave him one of his most important legal victories to force a new recount of disputed presidential ballots in a hurry. 副总统戈尔向佛州高等法院提起新的诉讼,要求尽快重新计票,以解决总统选举的争议。
- As he stepped off the political stage, Vice President Al Gore managed to achieve what had often eluded him during his presidential campaign: He won Americans over by persuading them of his sincerity and likability. 副总统戈尔宣布退出总统大选,在他的退出演说中,他展现的真诚和人缘获得美国一致的认同。
- Before we begin I would like to bring your attention to a small item on the inside cover of the June 4th issue of the Boston Globe magazine,correction:"The May 29th cover story on Vice President Al Gore suggested he is funny. 在我演讲之前,我想 提请大家注意六月四日波士顿《全球》杂志的内页上的一条短讯:更正:"关于副总统阿尔· 戈尔的五月二十九日封面人物故 事中提到他十分幽默。
- As he stepped off the political stage,Vice President Al Gore managed to achieve what had often eluded him during his presidential campaign:He won Americans over by persuading them of his sincerity and likability. 副总统戈尔宣布退出总统大选,在他的退出演说中,他展现的真诚和人缘获得美国一致的认同。