- The demonstrators attacked the Presidential Palace. 示威群众袭击了总统府。
- The incoming cabinet is swearing in at the presidential palace. 新任命的内阁在总统府宣誓就职。
- The national guard have surround the presidential palace. 国民卫队包围了总统府。
- The proof is in the parking lot at the presidential palace in Dakar. 相关证据就在达喀尔总统府的停车场里。
- They have also decided to foot the bill for a large Namibian presidential palace in Windhoek. 他们还决定出资为纳米比亚总统在首都温得和克建造大型官邸。
- Witnesses said one blast struck near the Defence Ministry, south of the presidential palace. 目击者说总统府南面的国防部发生了一次爆炸。
- The impressions I had on May 20 on Kaitegalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Palace have had echoes from some of the pro-independence press on the island. 笔者于5月20日在凯达格兰大道上所得到的这种印象,可以从台湾一些倾向独立的报章社论中得到佐证。
- About 100 troops from the Second Armored Regiment attacked the Presidential Palace and the Defence Ministry in Santiago. 第二装甲团的一百来名士兵袭击了圣地亚哥的总统府和国防部。
- They met Monday in a presidential palace in Bogor -a scenic town about 60 kilometers from Jakarta. 星期一,他们在茂物的总统府会晤,一个离雅加达60公里的美丽小镇。
- Earlier this month he invited a handpicked group of captains of finance and industry to the presidential palace. 本月初他邀请一群挑选出来的金融和工业巨头到他的总统官邸。
- What passes for a government is protected by an African Union peacekeeping force guarding the presidential palace. 被权且称作政府的机构,其实处于守卫总统官邸的非洲联盟维和部队的保护之下。
- They met Monday in a presidential palace in Bogor - a scenic town about 60 kilometers from Jakarta. 周一,他们在茂物的一个总统府举行了会面,这是距雅加达60千米的景色优美的小镇。
- AMISOM forces protect key sites in Mogadishu including the airport, the presidential palace, and the seaport. 该特派团军队保卫着摩加迪休的关键场所,包括机场、总统府邸和海港。
- There was a handful of protesters outside the Presidential Palace in Warsaw Saturday morning. 在星期六早上有一些抗议者在华沙的总统府外面示威。
- The president of Poland appointed his identical twin brother as the new prime minister during a ceremony at the presidential palace in the capital Warsaw. 波兰总统任命他的孪生兄弟为新总理,在首都华沙总统府举行的仪式上。
- However, the coup lasted only two days. Chavez returned to the presidential palace on the 14th and resumed his duties as a president. 但政变仅持续了两天,查韦斯于14日返回总统府,重新履行总统职责。
- Tens of thousands of protesters surrounded the presidential palace yesterday and scuffled with police to express their opposition to Mr Chen's visit. 昨天,台湾成千上万的抗议者包围总统府,并与警察发生冲突,以表示反对陈云林来访。
- Thousands of buildings from shanties to the presidential palace were destroyed, streets were blocked by debris and telephone service was knocked out. 从贫民窟到总统府,数千幢建筑毁于一旦,街道被废墟阻断无法通行,电话服务中断。
- Islamist insurgents and pro-government forces in Somalia are fighting in an area near the presidential palace in the capital, Mogadishu. 索马里的伊斯兰反叛武装分子和亲政府部队在摩加迪沙的总统府附近的一个区展开战斗。
- Not a bit: they paid their chums in the CIA to start a little insurrection and install a more fruit-friendly regime in the Presidential Palace. 而且跟蓝罐曲奇不同,金莎的包装千变万化,每年都好像有一些新包装,不同粒数,不同形状,掌握了送礼者的需要。