- Primate Visual Cortex 灵长类视觉皮层
- We’ve been called the visual primate, and the size of our visual cortex dwarfs the neural platform assigned to audition. 我们一直被称为“视觉类灵长目动物”,而我们视觉体系的规模让听觉神经系统相形见绌。
- Selective attention modulates brain responses in visual cortex. 选择性注意调节视皮层的大脑反应。
- NOS-positive neurons were present in LGN,visual cortex and parietal cortex. 结果:NOS阳性细胞存在于大鼠LGN、视皮层及大脑项叶皮层中。
- Visual cortex has the functional column system which performs these complex functions. 视皮层具有完成这些复杂机能的功能柱系统.
- Study on the retina and visual cortex impariment of anisomtropic amblyopia by means of electrophysiologic methods. 用电生理方法对屈光参差性弱视视网膜及视中枢损害的研究。
- The lesions involved geniculocalcarine tract to occipital visual cortex caused visual defect and produced cortical blindness. 而视觉径路中发生于膝状鸟距径至枕叶鸟距皮质区之间的病变所引起的视觉障碍,皆会导致皮质性眼盲。
- These neurons make connection with the visual cortex at the back of the brain, activating a mental image of keys. 这些神经元同位于大脑后部处理视觉信号的脑皮层取得联系,在脑中激活钥匙形象。
- This indicates the popular view that color integration is ascribed to "high-level" visual cortex is wrong. 这表明,颜色整合起源于高级视觉皮层的流行观念是错误的。
- Following BDA placement in visual cortex, labeled callosal axons were seen in contralateral visual cortex and retrosplenial cortex (area 29). BDA应用于出生后第 4d的视觉皮质后 ,整个视觉皮质包括 17区内侧部 、 层已可见一些标记的胼胝体轴突。
- Methods The levels of PLP gene expression were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in the visual cortex of juvenile and adult rats. 方法采用半定量RT-PCR方法,分析处于视觉可塑性关键期内的幼年大鼠和处于视觉可塑性关键期后的成年大鼠视皮层中PLP基因的表达水平。
- It implys that the plasticity of neurons in visual cortex was decreased by BD, but the response ability to adequate stimulus still exist. 提示双眼形觉剥夺可在一定程度上降低视皮层神经元的可塑性,但可以保持神经元对适宜刺激的反应能力。
- The same phenomenon occurs in the visual system, in which the small retinal fovea has by far the largest portion in visual cortex maps. 同样的现象也发生于视觉系统:视网膜上小小的中央窝,在视觉皮质地图上却明显占有最大的区域。
- Mixed high-valence facial expressions are processed within temporal lobe visual cortex, thalamus, and amygdalohippocampal complex. 掺杂的高效价脸部表情在颞叶视觉皮质区、丘脑、和杏仁海马移行区综合体中进行。
- Border ownership most likely is encoded at early stages of processing in the visual cortex, such as in brain areas V1 and V2. 边界归属问题,最有可能在视觉皮质(像是在V1与V2脑区)处理讯息的初期就已决定了。
- During the control group touching Braille, no activation was found in the visual cortex, but activated areas were found in the two side areas, such as BA4, BA3, BA7, BA6 et al. 正常组除了以左侧为优势的两侧BA4、BA3、左侧BA7及BA6激活外,视觉皮层没有激活。
- This effect was localized to extrastriate visual cortex and may be due to reflexive effects of attention orienting triggered by unattended peripheral motion. 这个效果的产生,可能是由于注意方向被非注意的外周运动激活。
- He also plans to study how acupuncture might be used to increase blood flow to the visual cortex in people who have suffered vision impairment after a stroke. 他同时还打算研究如何利用针灸加速中风后饱受视觉障碍之苦的那部分病人的大脑视觉皮层血流量。
- This paper discussed the bio-vision bionics and its application on computer vision.Researched limulus's vision,flies's vision,human's vision and cat's visual cortex primarily. 探讨了生物视觉仿生在计算机视觉中的应用,重点研究了鲎复眼、蝇复眼、人眼视觉及猫视觉皮层的仿生技术。
- Both patient groups had activation of multiple cortical areas on two-dimensional inverse imaging, whereas normals had activation only in the primary visual cortex. 两组病人在平面逆行显像中都表现为多个皮质区域的启动,而正常组仅仅在初级视皮层有启动。