- Primo Zamparini 扎姆帕里尼
- Nel primo locale mezzo di un controllo! 在当地首取一指!
- Tyson Kidd Primo vs.Randy Orton William Regal vs. 可以不看电视,但电脑是必需品 - John Morrison vs.
- Primo Hurricane Helms vs.Paul Burchill Dolph Ziggler vs.Finlay vs. 报 错 - 留言正在播放:superstars 20090827 全集 Jack Swagger vs.
- Sharpay: And East High's primo girl? Just answer the question! 那么最吃得开的女生呢?快回答问题!
- Sharpay: Ryan, who's the absolute primo boy at East High? 雷恩,谁是东部高中拔得头筹的男生?
- Perche primo non aveva i soldi,percio tutti aiutano sempre lui. 因为他以前没钱;所以别人一直帮助他.
- Primo la rivoluzione da produzione di scala piccola da scala larga. 一是实现了从小规模生产向规模经济的转变。
- President Maurizio Zamparini wanted to keep him but I didn’t listen. 俱乐部主席赞帕尼亚希望留下他,但我当时没有接受这个建议。”
- Abbiamo aderire al "basata sulla fede, primo cliente" filosofia aziendale. 我们坚持“诚信为本、客户至上”的经营理念。
- Io son l’Alfa e l’Omega, il primo e l’ultimo, il principio e la fine. 我是创始的,也是成终的。”
- Today, three product lines make up Primo Water Corporation's portfolio. 今天,三个产品线弥补阿伊泽自来水公司的投资组合。
- Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini admits they're interested in Lazio striker Stephen Makinwa. 巴勒莫主席赞帕里尼承认他们希望收回马金瓦.
- Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini has encouraged Roma to make an offer for Aussie midfielder Mark Bresciano. 巴勒莫主席赞帕尼亚向罗马推荐其中场球员布雷西亚诺。
- Meanwhile Zamparini has also confirmed for the umpteenth time that Amauri is extremely close to joining Juve. 同时赞帕里尼再次确认阿毛里离尤文越来越近了。
- Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini admits they're ready to sell defender Andrea Barzagli to Juventus. 巴勒莫主席赞帕里尼承认他们准备将巴扎利卖到尤文。
- However Zamparini has confirmed that Palladino has rejected a transfer to Sicily. 然而赞帕里尼已经确认帕拉迪诺不愿意来到西西里球队。
- While the fans would welcome a Europa League berth, fiery President Maurizio Zamparini would probably be less excited. 当球迷们都在热切期待一个联盟杯席位时,脾气乖戾的主席赞帕里尼却可能不那么兴奋。
- Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini has revealed they already have many signings set in place. 与此同时:巴勒莫老板对外声称:我们已经准备签下一些新的球员,来迎接新赛季了。
- Zamparini was speaking after announcing that the club had appointed Stefano Colantuono as the new coach. 巴勒莫的经理在宣布新教练人选的时候接受了采访,对阿梅利亚和阿奎拉尼表达了看法。