- Prionodon pardicolorn. 斑灵狸
- Any of several Asian or African catlike carnivorous mammals of the genera Poiana or Prionodon, having a spotted coat and a long banded tail. 林狸一种林狸属或长尾灵猫属猫状食肉哺乳动物,原产于亚洲或非洲,表皮有斑点,尾部有条纹
- any of several Asian or African catlike carnivorous mammals of the genera Poiana or Prionodon,having a spotted coat and a long banded tail 林狸一种林狸属或长尾灵猫属猫状食肉哺乳动物,原产于亚洲或非洲,表皮有斑点,尾部有条纹
- Prionodon linsangn. 条纹林狸
- Prionodon 林狸属