- The Prison Reform Trust, a sceptical lobby group, reckons that the private sector is cherry-picking bright modern prisons and leaving the grim Victorian ones to the public sector. 持怀疑想法的游说小组监狱改革基金认为私人监狱是生气勃勃的现代监狱,政府运营的监狱只能是残酷的维多利亚时代的代名词。
- This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform. 这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。
- Prison Reform Trust 监狱改革基金会
- Judge is a strong advocate of prison reform. 这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。
- This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform . 这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。
- Prison Reform: for the benefit of the working class. 单身牢房!为了工人阶级的利益。
- He is a strong advocate of prison reforms. 他竭力主张监狱改革。
- He strongly advocated prison reforms. 他竭力主张监狱改革。
- As far as prison reform is concerned, we lagged behind a lot of other countries for years. 在监狱改革方面,我们落后于其他许多国家好几年。
- Statistics like these have caused many people to work for prison reform and a reexamination of sentencing laws. 因著这样的统计数字,许多人因此加入监狱改善的工作,或是重新检视现今的刑法。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- Progressive evangelicals, such as Elizabeth Fry, a prison reformer, questioned their own charitable motives with painful introspection. 就连一些进步的福音论者,例如监狱改革者----伊丽莎白?莱女士,也痛苦地扪心自问慈善动机究竟是什么。
- Here he finds all kinds of corruption.It is especially shocking when he unearths a huge graveyard of dead prisoners.His harrowing discoveries lead to vast prison reforms. 失去自由的夏理,发现在狱内满是各种的贿赂行为,滥用职权及打斗等情况比比皆是,更为可怕的是这里竟然有一个埋葬著多名囚犯尸体的大型坟墓,他们的死因不明。
- A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,学校,医院,收容所或监狱皆属公共机构。
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- The thief was put into prison for one year. 小偷被监禁一年。
- He was railroaded to prison without a fair trial. 他没有经过公正的审判而铛入狱。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱。
- The deceiver was put into prison. 那个骗子被关进监狱。