- To the legal character based on the criminal judicial reconciliation, the procurator organs should carry out its supervision functions. 基于刑事和解的司法性,检察机关对其应履行监督职能。
- The procurator organ launches and tries the system sentencing suggestion is put forward under the great background of this judicial reform. 检察机关开展并试行量刑建议制度就是在这一司法改革的大背景下提出的。
- The People's Procurator Organ should survey the public security organization strictly. 同时应该加强检察机关对公安机关的监替。
- Thirdly, the illegal criminal investigation must be abolished and the relationship between the procurator organs and the public security organs must be rationalized to be integrated. 三是取消法外侦查,理顺检警关系,建立检警一体化;
- Procuratorial organs of the prosecution to less than this figure. 检察机关起诉的金额要较这一数字少。
- In centralized procurements, the government procurement organ is the procurer. 集中采购的,政府采购机构是采购人。
- A serious accident shall be reported to the local procuratorial organ. 构成重大事故的,通报当地检察机关。
- If the internee is not convinced by the detention, he may appeal to the public security or procuratorial organs. 被拘留者对拘留不服,可以向公安机关或检察机关提出申诉。
- Procuratorial organs should strictly supervise law enforcement in the investigating activities of public security organs. 检察机关严格监督公安机关侦查活动中的执法情况。
- If the internee is not convinced by the detention,he may appeal to the public security or procuratorial organs. 被拘留者对拘留不服,可以向公安机关或检察机关提出申诉。
- If he remains unconvinced by the judgement and ruling which are legal in effect, he may petition to people's courts or procuratorial organs. 对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定不服的,可向人民法院或者检察机关提出申诉。
- The academe always argues on the nature of procuratorial organs and procuratorial power. 检察机关的性质如何定位,检察权是什么性质的权力,学术界一直争论不休;
- The procuratorial organs employ more recognizance upon bail than the public security organs do. 取保候审检察机关较公安机关采用较多。
- Recently, the procuratorial organs in suspected rape (attempted) will be arrested Tao Pui-lam. 近日,检察机关以涉嫌强奸罪(未遂)将陶沛林批准逮捕。
- All administrative,judicial and procuratorial organs of the state are created by the National People's Congress,responsible to it and supervised by it. 国家行政机关、审判机关、检察机关,都由它产生,对它负责,受它监督。
- If he remains unconvinced by the judgement and ruling which are legal in effect,he may petition to people's courts or procuratorial organs. 对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定不服的,可向人民法院或者检察机关提出申诉。
- Procuratorial organs shall oversee whether the activities in public security organs,courts,prisons and reform-through-labor institutions are legal. 检察机关对公安机关、法院和监狱、劳改场所的活动是否合法实行监督。
- Procuratorial organs shall oversee whether the activities in public security organs, courts, prisons and reform-through-labor institutions are legal. 检察机关对公安机关、法院和监狱、劳改场所的活动是否合法实行监督。
- No one on the standing committee of a local people's congress at or above the county level shall hold office in state administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs. 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员不得担任国家行政机关、审判机关和检察机关的职务。
- Procuratorial organs have reinforced litigation supervision according to law to improve the quality of handling cases and safeguard the legitimate rights of citizens. 检察机关依法加强诉讼监督,提高办案质量,维护公民的合法权利。