- To work in our product design or procurement department. 合适者可在产品设计部或采购部工作。
- Who does what when it comes to managing meetings? The roles of the in-house organiser, the procurement department, the PR agency, the PCO, and the DMC. 公司会议组织部门、采购部门以及公司以外的PR公司、会议组织商、目的地管理公司在组织会议的过程中分别是怎样操作的。
- The result can help the procurement department of space equipment and control procurement cot increasing. 该结果有利于航天装备采购部门在采购合同谈判时把握主动权,控制采购费用增长。
- Communicate actively and effectively with every department team (such as ES and procurement department) about relative problems of rotating equipment. 就动设备的一些问题,能和各个部门(比如ES和采购部)积极有效的沟通。
- The MM (material management) or procurement department of each BU(business unit) is responsible for initial review of EPW (or CoC) provided by those suppliers who do business with each BU directly. 自购供应商(各单位自己从供应商处购买物料),我想要用一个比较简单的短语来表达,请问怎么表达阿!
- For in-house counsels, this two-stage approach has a certain Machiavellian appeal: it provides them with the opportunity to play “good cop” to the procurement department’s “bad cop”. 对法务部门来说,这种两步法带有某种权术特点:它给法务部门扮演“好警察”的机会,而采购部门则扮演了“坏警察”。
- Elementary talk on prepayment management in procurement department 浅谈采购部门的清产核资工作
- High-value,large-quantity,general-purpose materials are procured in a concentrated way by relying mainly on the material procurement departments. 对批量大、价值高、通用性强的物资主要依托物资采购机构进行集中采购。
- High-value, large-quantity, general-purpose materials are procured in a concentrated way by relying mainly on the material procurement departments. 对批量大、价值高、通用性强的物资,主要依托物资采购机构进行集中采购。
- The procuring department will also inform unsuccessful tenderers of the outcome of their bids, and upon request from the tenderers, the reasons why their tenders are unsuccessful. 采购部门亦会将投标结果知会落选者,并就有关落选者的要求提供资料,说明他们落选的原因。
- I got this cheap at a department store sale. 我在百货公司特价廉售时买到了这件便宜货。
- Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department. 保持冷静,打电话给消防署。
- Now he heads the agronomy department. 现在他担任农艺系系主任。
- He works in the drapery department of the store. 他在商店的纺织品部工作。
- She bought many socks in the hosiery department. 她在针织品部买了很多袜子。
- He was appointed to superintend the toy department. 他获任玩具部的负责人。
- Procuring departments are required to provide in the tender documents all the necessary information to assist the bidders to prepare their tenders. 采购部门必须在招标文件内提供一切所需资料,以协助竞投人士制备投标书。
- As part of the selection process, the procuring departments may invite consultants to make a presentation of their proposals. 在遴选过程中,有关部门可邀请顾问公司讲解他们的建议书。
- He graduated from History Department. 他毕业于历史系。
- He runs his department with a heavy hand. 他采取强硬措施管理所属部门。