- On the Prohibition of Strife of the Labor Contract 论劳动合同中的竞业禁止条款
- They voted in favour of the prohibition of smoking in public areas. 他们投票赞成禁止在公共场所吸烟。
- Short greeting serves in time of strife. 好言一句可消争端。
- Short greeting serves in time of strife . 好言一句可消争端。
- Prohibition of a multiplex application. 多重申请禁止!
- They thought first of a city as a safe place in a time of strife. 他们起初把城市设想为动乱时期的安全地方。
- Prohibition of strife 竞业禁止
- The father of eight children, he saw his share of strife. 身为八个孩子的父亲,他清楚自己重任在肩。
- He advocated,though he did not practise.the prohibition of alcohol. 虽然还没付诸实施,但他主张禁止饮酒。
- The sectarian chasms remain deep, the wounds of strife raw. 各派别的分歧巨大,旧恨新仇交织。
- In ancient times, the prohibition of alcoholic drinks was common. 在古代,禁酒是经常发生的事。
- Its isolation during the Age of Strife brought anarchy. 在纷争年代带来的混乱中它被隔绝了。
- They vote in favour of the prohibition of smoking in public area. 他们投票赞成禁止在公共场所吸烟。
- Achilles and Agamemnon for her angrily out of strife and war. 阿喀琉斯为了她与阿伽门农争斗并愤而退出战争。
- All peace loving people demand the prohibition of atomic weapons. 一切爱好和平的人们都要求禁止原子武器。
- Paul referred to Jesus' prohibition of divorce and remarriage. 保罗提到了离婚和再婚的耶稣的禁止。
- Prohibition of discrimination, abuse, mutilation of women. 禁止歧视、虐待、残害妇女。
- Carlos the Jackal.Sanchez is the prohibition of posting! 豺狼卡洛斯.;桑切斯是禁止发帖!
- The Morrigans are hearld of death, collectors of souls and bringers of strife. 女死神们是死亡的标志、灵魂的收集者、冲突的酿造者。
- The political and social setting of Malaya of the 1950's was full of strife and racial disharmony. 50年代的马来亚政治与社会环境动荡不安,种族不和谐。