- The office will shut down for christmas. 圣诞节办公室将关闭。
- Projector will shut down 投影机将关闭
- When someone closes the emulator, the others will become disconnected and the server will shut down. 连线中只要有人关闭模拟器,其它玩家都会中断包括主机端玩家!
- Nbsp; This will shut down and restart your computer to apply the new settings. Nbsp; After restarting, Windows Welcome will continue. 这将关闭并重新启动计算机以便应用新设置。重新启动后,Windows将继续。
- When dehydrating the turbine oil, the vacuum purifiers will shut down frequently due to the aeration in the vacuum tower. 真空滤油机在透平油处理中常会产生大量泡沫导致停机。
- ASCC will shut down Machines and thus stop all services due to the maintenance for power supply system at Administration Building from 9:00AM to 11:00AM on August 20, 2000. 为配合行政大楼于本(89)年八月二十日(星期日)进行高压供电系统维护,计算中心迫于八月二十日上午九时至十一时暂停各项服务,特此通知!
- "Apart from the obvious fact that you're morbidly obese, if you continue to eat chocolate your nervous system will shut down and your heart will stop beating. “除开你肥胖得近乎病态的明显事实不说,如果你再吃巧克力,你的神经系统就会突然关闭,心脏也会停止跳动。”
- Beijing will shut down smoke-belching factories and ban thousands of cars from city streets to improve air quality during next year's Olympic Games, vice mayor Ji Lin said. 北京市副市长吉林表示,明年奥林匹克运动会期间北京将关闭烟雾排放严重的工厂,并禁止上千辆小车开上街道以改善空气质量。
- Our Nation will continue to be steadfast,and patient,and persistent in the pursuit of two great objectives. First,we will shut down terrorist camps,disrupt terrorist plans,and bring terrorists to justice. 我们的国家将继续坚定不移、耐心地、坚持不懈地为实现两个宏伟的目标而努力: 第一,我们将关闭恐怖分子训练营,粉碎恐怖分子的图谋,并将他们绳之以法。
- He shut down upon his anger and sat down. 他压住心头的怒火坐了下来。
- Our Nation will continue to be steadfast, and patient, and persistent in the pursuit of two great objectives. First, we will shut down terrorist camps, disrupt terrorist plans, and bring terrorists to justice. 我们的国家将继续坚定不移、耐心地、坚持不懈地为实现两个宏伟的目标而努力:第一,我们将关闭恐怖分子训练营,粉碎恐怖分子的图谋,并将他们绳之以法;
- The Belvidere plant won't stay open for very long, though, as Chrysler will shut down all of its plants for two weeks beginning the week of July 13 to retool for the 2010 model year. 的贝尔维迪尔工厂将不会继续开放很长时间,不过,作为克莱斯勒将关闭其所有的工厂两个星期开始的一周7月13日重组为2010年车型年。
- In addition to closing three warehouses and parts distribution centers - located in Boston, Columbus, Ohio, and Jacksonville, Florida - by December 31, GM will shut down or idle 11 facilities. 很难令人惊奇的汽车制造商申请破产保护而今天早些时候,尽管通用汽车公司已表示,将重新分配它的一个闲置工厂开始产生一个新的小型车-最有可能的雪佛兰节拍-在不久的将来。
- China will shut down in the end lead-smelting capacity, shut down the number, when started, these problems are uncertain, and therefore present more of a money making subject hype. 中国到底会不会关闭铅冶炼产能,关闭多少,什么时候开始执行,这些问题都是不确定的,因此目前资金更多的是在进行题材炒作。
- Some coal-mines had to shut down. 有些煤矿不得不关闭。
- Six factory have shut down this month. 这个月六个工厂停工。
- A severe natural gas shortage shut down many plants. 天然气的严重缺乏使许多家工厂都停工了。
- The doors will shut automatically. 门将自动关闭。
- The Barco projector will be used at RMB 500net per session if you select the meeting package. 如果您选用此会议包价,影像投影机将享受每次人民币500元的特惠价。
- Nikon says the camera's projector will work for an hour before its battery runs out. 尼康说,相机电池可以支持投影仪工作一个小时。