- The promotion effect of lanthanide-dop-ant was briefly discussed. 作者主要讨论了掺杂的镧系元素的促进效应。
- While ECPC on human fetus lung fi-brocyte(HFLF)and human fetus kidney cells(HFK)showed growth promotion effect. ECPC对人胎儿肺纤维细胞(HFLF)和人胎儿肾细胞(HFK)显示促生长作用。
- The promotion effect of the mycorrhizal inoculation on the N content of root、stem and leaf was disappear. 适量施肥有利于菌根接种苗叶中脯氨酸含量与可溶性糖含量增加,提高苗木抗旱性。
- Hence it wasfound that the promotion effect of the first transition series ions was qualitalively relat-ed to its crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE). 而且发现,第一过渡金属离子的助催化作用与它的晶体场稳定化能(Crystal Field Stablization Energy,CFSE)有关。
- Result: the preparation has the growth and promotion effect to bacillus bifidus out of body, but hasn't to Escherichia fergusonii and Enterococcus faecalis. 结果:复方中药制剂对双歧杆菌在体外生长有促进作用,对大肠埃希菌和粪肠球菌无生长促进作用。
- Results: HZL has distinct inhibition effect on the movement of rabbits' isolated duodenum and promotion effect on gastric emptying, intestine propulsion and gastrin excretion. 结果:藿香正气水对乙酰胆碱刺激的兔离体肠具有明显的抑制作用,对胃排空和肠推进具有促进作用,对胃泌素的分泌具有促进作用。
- Many scholars have proved the promotion effect of the information industry on economic growth by probing into the relation between the information industry and GDP. 摘要许多学者对信息产业与GDP之间的关系进行研究,有力地证明了信息产业对经济增长的促进作用。
- The discipline construction as the "flagship project" of colleges and universities, it brings great promotion effect for the development of postgraduate education enterprise. 学科建设作为高校的“龙头工程”,对研究生教育事业的发展产生巨大的推动作用。
- Having gone through the changes from non-formalization to formalization and systemization, school has played a huge promotion effect in the human beings' civilization advance. 摘要学校的发展经历了由非形式化向形式和制度化的变迁,为人类文明的进步起到了巨大的推动作用;
- The case study applies theory to practice and supplies evidence from its dynamic multiplier effect, economic growth promotion effect and Ricardian equivalence. 近年来国内对财政风险的研究热潮中,从财政政策作用机制的角度探讨财政风险的并不多见。
- The ad disseminating effect is influenced and decided by designing quality and disseminating quality, and the promotion quality is the decisive factor to the promotion effect of ad. 广告设计质量和广告传播质量影响和决定广告传播效果,广告的促销质量影响决定广告促销效果。
- A mechanism of the promoting effect on reduction by CeO_2 has been suggested. 提出了CeO_2促进还原的机理。
- Objective To observe the promoting effect of phenytoin on fracture healing. 目的观察苯妥英对骨折愈合的促进作用。
- The TMPFc showed a promotive effect on the growth of Ba/F3-mpl in vitro. 表达蛋白质的相对分子量约6 4kD ,对Ba F3 mpl生长具有促进作用。
- The impact and promotion effect of consumption culture on literary research can be embodied in that literary research pays closer attention to visual culture and the position of literary embracer. 消费文化对文学研究的激荡与提升可使其更加关注视觉文化与文学接受者的地位,并且更加关注自身的理论建设。
- The percutaneous absorption of nicardipine hydrochloride gel through rabbit skin in vivo was investigated and the promotion effect of laurocapram on skin penetration was evaluated. 目的:考察混合促透剂月桂氮酮和薄荷脑对肤康涂膜剂中水杨酸和酮康唑透皮促进作用的影响。
- Image support: Unify the shop front image, unify the shop front layout and unify to publicizee the form, become the sturdy sense of vision impact and promotion effects. 形象支持:统一店面形象、统一店面布局、统一宣传形式,形成强劲的视觉冲击和宣传效益。
- He toadied to his boss for promotion. 他为升职向老板献殷勤。
- Chandon, Pierre, Brian Wansink, and Gilles Laurent (2000), "A Benefit Congruency Framework of Sales Promotion Effectiveness," Journal of Marketing, 64(October), 65 - 81. 徐心怡(民89)"消费者促销知觉价值与促销偏好程度之研究-产品类别干扰效果之探讨",元智大学管理研究所硕士论文。
- No promotive effect was observed when pAG3 was combined with DTIC (Dacarbazine ). 但在pAG3与DTIC联合化疗实验中,两者未表现出明显的增强效应。