- Adopted proportional solidification theory and technique,which avoids the dispersed shrinkage of cylinder sleeve castings and achieves the well effect. 采用均衡凝固理论和技术,消除了缸套铸件的缩松缺陷,获得了良好的工艺效果。
- According to the proportional solidification theory to adopt non-riser design on it, the feeding result does the same as the riser does. 为提高工艺出品率,生产中按照均衡凝固理论进行无冒口工艺设计,取得用冒口补缩同样的效果。
- With respect to shrinkage problems of nodular iron, a discussion on several basic problemsof the "Proportional Solidification Technology" was held. 就球铁件缩松、缩孔问题对"均衡凝固技术"几个基本问题进行讨论。
- A ductile iron casting was taken as an exaple to show how should properly design feeder and utilize chills to realize proportional solidification and prevent shrinkage defect. 结合铸件实例,说明合理设计冒口和利用冷铁使球铁铸件实现均衡凝固,防止缩孔、缩松的工艺方法。
- On the base of the proportional solidification principle, the problem of casting's shrinkage porosity was solved and fine casting with as cast pearlitic structure was obtained. 采取平做、平浇、平冷和复合运用微量合金元素及多次孕育等技术措施,利用均衡凝固理论解决曲轴内部缩松,获得合格曲轴铸件,并得到铸态珠光体组织。
- The comparison test of several foundry methods showed that the feeder designed according to the proportional solidification principle could be used to eliminate shrinkage porosity defect. 通过几种铸造工艺方案试验比较,按照均衡凝固技术原则设计的冒口解决了铸件缩松缺陷,生产出优质铸件。
- Proportional solidification technology 均衡凝固
- Proportional Solidification theory 均衡凝固理论
- Theory of proportional solidification 均衡凝固理论
- Proportional Solidification Technique of Gray Cast Iron Diffusor 灰铸铁扩压器均衡凝固工艺
- Keywords Proportional solidification;Flywheel;Riser system; 均衡凝固;飞轮;浇冒口系统;
- Application of Proportional Solidification Theory Used in Steel Castings 均衡凝固理论在铸钢件上应用实例
- Application of Proportional Solidification in the Cylinder Sleeve Castings 均衡凝固技术在缸套铸件上的应用
- The Design of Proportional Solidification Technology of Load Valve Pipe Bracket 复式比例阀计算机均衡凝固工艺设计及数值优化
- Proportional Solidification Used in Ductile Iron of Supports for Front Axle 均衡凝固技术在球铁前桥支架件上的应用
- Application of Proportional Solidification Technology in Investment Cast Valve Clack Castings 均衡凝固技术在精密铸造阀瓣类铸件上的应用
- The Application of Proportional Solidification to A Timing Gear Cover of Medium Speed Diesel Engine for Ships 船用中速柴油机定时齿轮罩壳均衡凝固工艺
- Design of Bottom Shower Gating System Using Proportional Solidification Technology at Top Beam of Hydraulic Machine 运用均衡凝固理论设计液压机上横梁底雨淋式浇注系统
- Design of Feeding and Gating System for As-cast Iron Case Using Proportional Solidification Modulus Calculation Method 运用均衡凝固模数法设计铸铁箱体补缩式浇注系统
- Application of Proportional Solidification Casting Processing Plan to the Impeller of Vacuum Pump 均衡凝固工艺在真空泵叶轮上的应用