- Prostitutes or immoral women 败柳残花
- A wanton or immoral woman. 坏女人,婊子,娼妇放肆的或不道德的妇女
- An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit. 不道德行为,恶习邪恶的、堕落的或者不道德的行为或者习惯
- A woman considered brazen or immoral. 荡妇被认为轻佻、放荡的女子
- Something, such as language or printed matter, considered obscene, prurient, or immoral. 猥亵的东西被认为猥亵的、荒淫的或淫荡的东西,例如语言或印刷物
- This site rejects any message that is suspected to be unlawful or immoral. 涉嫌违法或有违公共道德之留言将被本网站拒绝。
- The bridegroom bride be an intrigant and an "immoral woman unexpectedly"! 首页>>图片猎奇>>新郎新娘竟是"奸夫"与"淫妇"!
- The unlucky ones, especially older children, who are not in demand by families, can end up as prostitutes or indentured laborers. 运气不好的,尤其年纪大些、没有人家要收养的,最后可能沦为娼妓或卖身契约工。
- Analysts fear that the shortage of women as a result of growing gender imbalance may lead to more prostitutes or social crimes in the future. 一些分析家担心,不断增长的性别不平衡带来的女性短缺,可能导致将来更多的妓女和社会犯罪。
- a worthless or immoral woman. 毫无价值或淫荡的女人。
- To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute. 嫖妓,宿娼与妓女有交往,与妓女有性关系。
- Free of corruption or immorality. 廉洁的未被玷污的或品行端正的
- NIV] keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife. [和合]能保你远离恶妇,远离23外女谄媚的舌头。
- If something is enjoyable but illegal or immoral, it will be called a forbidden fruit. 如果一些东西是享受的但是非法的或不道德的,这东西会被说是个禁果。
- Wisdom will save you from the immoral woman, from the seductive words of the promiscuous woman. 16智慧使你能够抗拒想用甜言蜜语勾引你的女人。
- A man who associates with or pays for sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute. 嫖客与妓女交往的男子,为与妓女发生性关系付钱的男子
- Something, such as language or printed matter, considered obscene , prurient, or immoral. 这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。
- Ethics. Consumers would buy a fake because they do not think it is illegal or immoral to do so. 道德。消费者愿意购买仿冒商品是因为他们认为这样做并不违法或者违反道德规范。
- Is it moral, or immoral for human beings to change the nature of the food we produce so that more people can be fed? 人们通过改变植物的自然属性以生产更多的食物来养活更多的人是否道德呢?
- There's an overly made-up look about Sun Jou-chia's face.You can tell at a glance she's an immoral woman, which is why she could do such a shameless thing. 孙柔嘉脸上一股妖气,一看就是人上邪道女人,所以会干那种无耻的事。