- Lumping Kinetic Model for Protein Enzymatic Hydrolysis Reaction 蛋白质酶促水解过程集总动力学研究
- Application of Response Surface Method in Chicken-bone Protein Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process 响应曲面法在鸡骨架蛋白酶解工艺中的应用
- Study of using chicken framework protein enzymatic hydrolysis to prepare meat flavor essence response substance 鸡骨架蛋白酶解制备肉味香精反应底物的研究
- Protein enzymatic hydrolysis 蛋白酶解物
- Enzymatic hydrolysis can remarkably enhance heat coagulability in separating protein from soybean. 酶促水解可以显著提高大豆分离蛋白的热凝结性。
- Response surface analysis(RSA) was used to study the technology for preparing a humectant with the enzymatic hydrolysis of rice protein. 采用响应面分析方法研究了酶法水解大米蛋白制取持水剂的工艺条件,并对产品应用于香肠中的水分活度降低效果进行了试验。
- Acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis processes of low value fish protein from small hairtail and offal of fisheries were investigated. 对低值鱼蛋白原料以及鱼加工下脚蛋白料等的蛋白适度水解工艺进行了研究,探讨了酸催化水解处理、蛋白酶酶解处理的最佳工艺条件;
- Creamy fish protein (CFP) is a kind of fish protein product produced by the method of enzymatic hydrolysis using low value fish as material. 乳状鱼蛋白是以鱼类为原料采用酶水解方法制作的一种鱼蛋白制品。
- Using fish wastes as raw materials,the hydrolyzed animal protein(HAP)powder was produced by enzymatic hydrolysis and acidic hydrolysis. 以鱼类下脚料为原料,经生物酶解、酸解制备了风味水解蛋白粉。
- During the process of enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean protein, the feasibility of reclaiming and reusing the proteases using raw material as adsorbing substance has been studied. 研究了在水解大豆蛋白反应中采用吸附法回收再利用蛋白酶的可行性。
- As1389protease and pepsin were used for enzymatic hydrolysis of silver carp meat step by step to obtain the aquatic HAP of hig h deg ree of protein hydrolysis. 以枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶对鲢鱼鱼肉蛋白进行分步酶解,得到较高蛋白质水解度的水产HAP,并确定了最适宜的工艺参数。
- Abstract Cottonseed cake was used as the raw material after removal of gossypol from it and the technology for enzymatic hydrolysis of cottonseed protein was studied. 摘要 以脱酚后的棉籽粉为原料 ,研究了酶解法制备可溶性棉籽水解蛋白的生产工艺。
- Soybean protein isolate was modified by enzymatic hydrolysis in combination with MTG cross-linking, and was used in meat products.The mechanisms of enzymatic modification were discussed. 主要介绍了利用蛋白酶部分水解、转谷氨酰胺酶交联及两者的复合改性法生产肉制品专用大豆分离蛋白产品,简述酶法改性的作用机理。
- Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Crop Straws and Production of Bacillus phosphaticum Manure. 农作物秸秆酶解与磷细菌肥的生产。
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean saponin sugar-moiety produces new saponins,containing lower sugar and higher activity. 水解大豆皂甙分子上的部分糖基可以生成低糖链、高活性的新皂甙。
- After enzymatic hydrolysis,the yield of XOS could be up to 84.93% of total carbohydrates of the supernatant. 上清液经木聚糖酶酶解后;低聚木糖的含量可达到上清液总糖的84.;93%25。
- The technonlgy of extracting filbert kernel oil by enzymatic hydrolysis method is studied. 研究了用酶解法提取榛子仁油的工艺,并通过正交试验对工艺进行了优化。
- Using shark\|head as main material,a nutrition rich sauce was prepared sauce by means of enzymatic hydrolysis. 用鲨鱼头为主要原料,经酶法水解等工艺研制成营养丰富的高档调味汁。
- Title: Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Crop Straws and Production of Bacillus phosphaticum Manure. 关键词:秸秆;资源化;酶水解;吸附剂;磷细菌肥
- The main cell wall proteins of plant and the potential effects on enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose are reviewed. 本文综述了植物细胞壁中主要蛋白的特征及其与木质纤维素酶解的关系。