- A new sensor was developed that detects antibodies to the protein gliadin.Gliadin is a main protein in gluten and is responsible for the ill effects of ingesting gluten containing foods. 这项方法是通过一种新的传感器检测出蛋白质麸朊的抗体(麸朊是麸质的主要蛋白,并且是导致人们吸收麸质困难的主要因素)。
- The protein contain 16 kinds of amino acids which is higher than the standard stipulated by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation, occupying 14.31% dry weight. 富含16种氨基酸,总和占产物干重的14.;31%25,其中必需氨基酸含量高于联合国粮农组织(FAO)规定的标准。
- AIF-1(allograft inflammatory factor-1)is a 143-aa small protein containing a single EF-hand calcium-binding motif. 同种异体移植炎性因子-1(allograft inflamuatory factor-1,AIF-1)是由143个氨基酸组成的小分子蛋白质,链内含有一个可与Ca2+结合的EF-手形结构域。
- A simple protein containing mainly basic amino acids; present in cell nuclei in association with nucleic acids. 一种主要含碱性氨基酸的简单蛋白质,与核酸一起存在于细胞核内。
- This disease results from an abnormal gene on chromosome 4 which codes for a protein containing increased trinucleotide repeat sequences. 因4号染色体异常编码引起,该基因编码的蛋白质包括增多的三核苷酸重复序列。
- Asparagus was treated by mixture ofCO2 and xenon, the rate was 1:1. The chlorophyll, CAT, protein contain, SOD and active oxygen wasstudied. 采用二氧化碳和氙气1:1混合加压到0.;6MPa处理芦笋;研究了处理组和对照组芦笋叶绿素、过氧化氢酶酶活、蛋白质含量、超氧化歧化酶和活性氧的含量。
- Still some believe, centuries ago, on the day after Christmas, members of the merchant class would give boxes containing food and fruit, clothing, and/or money to tradespeople and servants. 还有一些人认为,几百年前,在圣诞节后的这一天,商店的店主们会将装有食品和水果,衣服和钱或是只有其一的盒子赠与顾客和仆人。
- Recently, the apoptosis protein Bim is founded in neuron, it is located in 7p15. 2 and encode the protein containing 129 amino acid. There is a few report about the relation between JNK and Bim. 最近在神经元中发现了新的JNK凋亡信号成员Bim;定位于7p15.;2;编码含129个氨基酸的蛋白质。
- Livin (also called ML-IAP or KIAP) , a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family encodes a protein containing a single baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domain and a COOH-terminal RING finger domain. Livin(又称ML-IAP和KIAP)是凋亡抑制蛋白(inhibitor of apoptosis proteins,IAP)家族的一个成员,它含有一个IAP家族特征性的杆状病毒IAP重复序列(baculoviral IAP repeat,BIR)结构域和羧基端的环状锌指样结构区域(RING zinc-finger domain)。
- The full-length cDNA of the OsBIRF1 is 1837 bp with a predicted 1191bp open reading frame (ORF), which predicts to encode a 396 amino acid protein containing all conserved domains of the RING finger protein. OsBIRF1基因全长cDNA为1873bp,包含一个1191bp的ORF,编码一个含396个氨基酸的蛋白,并含有RING指蛋白所有的特征性保守结构域。
- "Following a diet which contains foods rich in naturally occurring serotonin will improve your mood, leaving you energised and in a state of harmony and wellbeing," Dr Longmore said.. 朗莫博士说:“遵照饮食,吃一些富含自然血清素的东西可以改善你的心情,令你精力充沛并保持一种和谐和幸福的感觉。”
- The OsMPK4 protein contains all 11 conserved domains that are characteristics of MAPKs and phosphorylation site of TEY motif. 预测的OsMPK4蛋白具有MAPK蛋白典型的11个保守结构域,及磷酸化位点“TEY”模体。
- More and more proteins containing cis peptide bonds have been found with the increasing resolution of X-ray and NMR experiments. 随着X-ray和NMR等实验手段分辨率的提高,含顺式肽键单元的蛋白质数目也随之增加。
- The protein contained in swiftlet nest is distinct in that it is a biologically active protein, providing revitalization to the human body. 燕窝是当今世界上最好的养颜美容品。真正从生理上达成人体的抗衰、抗皱、嫩肤与美白之愿望。
- The diosgenin and mucus proteins contain in the yams has the effect of enhancing the metabolism. 所含薯蓣皂、粘液蛋白质,有滋阴温阳、增强新陈代谢的功效。
- Bsg6 protein contains a BTB(Broad-complex,Tramtrack,and Bric-a-brac) motif on the N terminus and two consecutive C_2H_2 zinc finger motifs on the C terminus. Bsg6蛋白含有一个N端BTB(Broad-complex;Tramtrack;andBric-a-brac)结构域和两个C端C2H2型锌指结构域.
- The formation of disulfide bonds in secreted proteins of E. coli is a synergetic process depending on a series of Dsb proteins containing DsbA, DsbB, DsbC, DsbD, DsbE and DsbG. 大肠杆菌分泌蛋白二硫键的形成是一系列蛋白协同作用的结果 ,主要是Dsb家族蛋白 ,迄今为止共发现了DsbA、DsbB、DsbC、DsbD、DsbE和DsbG。
- Kjeldahl means by measuring the nitrogen content and the use of nitrogen and protein conversion factor to calculate the total amount of protein contained in dairy products. 凯氏定氮法,是指通过测量氮元素的含量,并利用氮元素与蛋白质换算系数,来计算乳制品中所含蛋白质总量的方法。
- Geneticist explained that the protein contained in cottonseed is good, but cannot be used by people or most animals because it contains a chemical toxin called gossypol. 基因学家解释说,棉籽中含有丰富的蛋白质,但却不能为人类和大多数动物食用,因为棉籽内含有一种名为棉子酚的化学毒素。
- Many adhesive proteins contain the Arg-Gly-Asp(RGD) sequence which plays an important role in cell adhesion, migration and growth. RGD是许多粘附蛋白所共有的高度保守氨基酸序列,这一序列在介导细胞粘附、迁移及生长方面起重要作用。