- Provocative test of clonidine 可乐定激发试验
- provocative test of growth hormone secretion 生长激素分泌激发试验:检测垂体GH储备功能
- If this friendship is real, it can stand the test of time. 如果这种友谊是真诚的,那么它就能经得起时间的考验。
- The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong men. [谚]烈火炼真金,逆境炼壮士。
- The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency. 衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验,就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静。
- Nursing care of children with dwarfism complicated with hypotension during provocative test of clonedine 儿童矮小症可乐定激发试验中低血压的观察与护理
- The long separation was a test of their love. 长期分离对他们的爱情是个考验.
- Problem solving is a test of a good manager. 解决问题是对一个好经理的检验。
- The idea must undergo the test of experiment. 观念必须经得起实验的检验。
- A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling. 矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试
- Rock-climbing is a test of nerve and skill. 攀岩运动能考验人的勇气和技巧。
- The positive rate of dark room provocative test is 0%, and 6.1% of dark prone provocative test. 2. 暗房激发试验显示隅之大小与前房深度之变化成反比,加眼压之变化及屈光度无相关关系。
- With its provocative test, China has thumbed its nose at the many satellite-dependent countries. 中国会因为刺激的实验而引起许多依赖卫星国家的关注。
- Theories must be put to the test of practice. 理论必须通过实践来检验。
- Objective To evaluate the significance of provocative test to diagnosis and treatment of pseudoseizure. 目的评价诱发试验在假性发作诊断与治疗的意义。
- Can I see it as a test of some kind? 我能否视之为某种测验?"。
- That is the test of a real hero. 这是真正英雄的本色。
- Dark room provocative test and dark prone provocative test were performed in 66 eyes of 33 patients with less or equal to +4.0D hypermetropic eyes. 摘要本试验系对于轻度远视眼作暗房激发试验及暗房俯卧激发试验,以研究与原发性隅角闭锁性青光眼的关系,并探讨屈光度,前房深度,眼压,隅角,眼轴长度,视神经盘凹陷等之相关关系。
- The Effect of Clonidine on the Minimum Local Analgesic Concentration of Epidural Ropivacaine During Labor. 可乐定对分娩时硬膜外罗吡卡因最低局部镇痛浓度的影响。
- Then we speak of a test of the problematic premise. 那么我们就涉及对有问题的前提的检验。