- Psychiatric Military Duty 精神病科值班军人
- Being on full military duty and receiving full pay. 现役的承担全部的军事义务和接受津贴的
- This is in the line of military duty. 这属于执行军事任务的范畴。
- To outfit and equip, as for military duty. 装备,配备装备和配备,如为了军事任务
- He was recalled to military duty. 他被召回执行军事任务。
- He was called up for military duty. 他应征入伍。来源
- Written leave of absence from military duty. (士兵的)短期休假证允许暂不履行军事义务的书面假条
- Axe -- Execution of military duty. 斧-军务令行。
- The soldier avoided military duty by shooting away one of his toes. 为逃避兵役, 那个士兵用枪打掉了自己的一个脚趾。
- He must be an expert in his military duties. 他还应熟悉其军事职责。
- One of the uncertainties of military duty is that you never know when you might suddenly get posted away. 任军职不稳定的因素之一是你永远不知道什么时候会突然被派往它处。
- Formal written instructions to report for military duty at a specified time and place. 书面指示要求在规定的时间和地点汇报军事任务的正式书面指示。
- Mister Deacon says the most common reason is to have a chance to travel.But he says international students may take a gap year to meet requirements at home for military duty. 查尔斯说最主要的原因是去旅游.;也有一些外籍学生是用这段时间回家服兵役
- Your military duties? Without you, the sky is hardly going to fall down. 军务嘛?你不在,天塌不下来。
- Witnesses say many of the students at the seminary are on active military duty and are armed, and that the attacker was killed by such a student, possibly saving the lives of many others. 目击者说,神学院的很多学生是现役军人,并且携带武器。攻击者就是被一名学生打死的,这名学生的行动可能拯救了很多人的生命。
- Those who inflict injuries on themselves to eschew military duties in wartime shall be sentenced to not more than three years in prison. 战时自伤身体,逃避军事义务的,处三年以下有期徒刑
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我认为为人民服务是我的责任。
- How can I get shut of such an unwelcome duty? 我自发以才能逃脱掉这个令人如此计厌的差事呢?
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。
- Be it our duty to comply with his request? 我们有义务满足他的要求吗?