- Pteridium esculentumn. 食蕨
- Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme A lef. 樱桃番茄
- Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme Alef. 番茄
- Br.Asclepiadaceae Oxystelma esculentum(Linn. f.)F.A.Schult. 中文名 所属卷 所属科 拉丁名 尖槐藤 Oxystelma R.
- Pteridium Squilinum starch paste can be stretched and had a good toughness. 实验研究了蕨根淀粉糊的特性。
- A widely cultivated South American plant(Lycopersicon esculentum) having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit. 蕃茄,西红柿一种广泛种植的南美植物(番茄番茄属),果实通常呈红色,可食多肉
- An annual Asian plant(Fagopyrum esculentum) having clusters of small whitish or pinkish flowers and small, seedlike, triangular fruits. 荞麦一年生的亚洲植物(荞麦荞麦属),有成串的白色或粉色小花,象种子似的三角形小果实
- The purpose was to study the processing route and operating points of papier-mache Pteridium aquilinum processing. 为了研究纸型蕨菜加工的工艺流程及操作要点。
- Osmunda, Pteridium aquilinum, fungus, tea, incense and more strains of high quality. 薇菜、蕨菜、木耳、茶叶、香菌量多质高。
- Pteridophytes(Pteridium aquilinum) were a group of common edible wild plants in ancient times. 蕨作为古代常见的野菜,其食用的历史长达三千多年。
- Rhopilema esculentum Kiahinouye and Stomolophus meleagris L.Agassig belong to Coelentera. 海蜇和沙蜇是同属于腔肠动物门的大型食用水母,分为伞部和口腕部两部分。
- A widespread,often weedy fern(Pteridium aquilinum) having large,triangular,pinnately compound fronds and often forming dense thickets. 欧洲蕨一种分布广泛,常为蔓生的(欧洲蕨蕨属)蕨类植物,具有大型、三角形羽状复叶,通常形成茂密的灌木丛
- Fagopyrum esculentum) having clusters of small whitish or pinkish flowers and small, seedlike, triangular fruits. 荞麦一年生的亚洲植物(荞麦荞麦属),有成串的白色或粉色小花,象种子似的三角形小果实
- A widely cultivated South American plant (Lycopersicon esculentum) having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit. 蕃茄,西红柿:一种广泛种植的南美植物(番茄番茄属),果实通常呈红色,可食多肉
- So the cultivation and production of Pteridium aquilinum var.latiusculum should be developed vigorously fromprotection wild plants resources. 从保护野生植物资源的角度出发,应该大力发展蕨菜的人工栽培与生产。
- Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIM: To study the acute toxicity and the mutagenicity of the flavonoids extracted from pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum. 摘要 背景与目的: 研究蕨菜黄酮提取物的急性毒性与潜在致突变性。
- BACKGROUND AND AIM:To study the acute toxicity and the mutagenicity of the flavonoids extracted from pteridium aquilinum var.latiusculum. 背景与目的:研究蕨菜黄酮提取物的急性毒性与潜在致突变性。
- An annual Asian plant(Fagopyrum esculentum)having clusters of small whitish or pinkish flowers and small,seedlike,triangular fruits. 荞麦一年生的亚洲植物(荞麦荞麦属),有成串的白色或粉色小花,象种子似的三角形小果实
- Vessels are found in most angiosperms, the gymnosperm order Gnetales, and a few other plants such as bracken (Pteridium aquilinum). 绝大多数被子植物、买麻藤目Gnetales和少数一些植物如欧洲蕨(Pteridiumaguilinum)具有导管。
- The experiment used acetic oxide to dispose of the pollen in honey of Sesaaum Indcum and Fagopyrum esculentum to distinguish the quality of honey. 本文以芝麻蜜、荞麦蜜为材料 ,以醋酸酐分解法为手段 ,探讨了利用蜂蜜中的花粉来鉴别蜂蜜质量优劣的问题。