- Public Water Resource Project 公共水利工程
- Article 89 A water resources project institutor may charge fees from users of the project according to their usage. 第89条(得向使用人酌收费用)兴办水利事业人得向使用人按其使用情形酌收费用。
- The procedures for basin environmental impact assessment are same as those for a water resources project,but the methods are not so perfect now. 盆地流域环境影响评价的步骤与评价水工程相同,但现在的方法不是那么完美。
- The statuses on operation and study of relief wells, drain holes and supply wells in the water resource projects are presented. 介绍了堤防减压井和其他水利工程中采用排水孔、减压井以及供水井的运行和研究状况。
- The procedures for basin environmental impact assessment are same as those for a water resources project, but the methods are not so perfect now. 流域环境影响评价的步骤与评价水工程相同。
- The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is not the same to the general water resources project, which needs establishing new resettlement policy and management system. 摘要南水北调工程不同于一般的水利工程,需要构建新的移民政策和移民管理体制。
- Article 51 When the instituting of a water resources project has an impact on flood control, the authority-in-charge may order the institutor to construct proper flood control construction works. 第51条(防灾建造物之兴建)兴办水利事业,有影响于水患之防御者,主管机关得令兴办水利事业人建造适当之防灾建造物。
- The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is contributing to the Year through its publication Water Conservation: A Guide to Promoting Public Awareness (ST/ESCAP/SER.F/81,No. 81 of its Water Resources Series). 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)通过其题为“节约用水: 促进公众认识指南”(ST/ESCAP/SER.;F/81,亚太经社会水资源系列第81 号的出版物),对国际年作出贡献。
- ADB loan is one of the most important resources for utilizing foreign fund in water resources projects. 亚行贷款项目融资是我国利用外资的资源主要渠道之一。
- The Influence of Self-contained Water-source Wells on the Underground Water Resource and Public Water Supply of Taiyuan City 自备水源井对太原市地下水资源及公共供水的影响
- Lake Victoria Water Resources Project; 维多利亚湖水资源项目;
- database for water resources project 水利工程数据库
- middle-and small-scale water resources project 中小型水利工程
- evaluation of water resources project bidding 水利工程评标
- The long-dilapidated Rennie's Mill public water pump station. 调景岭年久失修的公共汲水站。
- Article 52 For the purpose of instituting water resources projects, when it is necessary to construct dams or gates on navigable waterways, navigation locks shall be built at suitable locations. 第52条(船闸之建造)在通航运之水道上,因兴办水利事业,必须建造堰坝、水闸时,应于适当地点建造船闸;
- Beijing Water Resource Technology Co., Ltd. 北京水思源科技发展有限公司。
- In boundary, water resource is very rich. 境内水资源十分丰富。
- Wenzhou is rich in water resource. 温州水资源丰富。
- Wuhan,with 189 lakes,is rich in water resource. 武汉拥有189个湖,水资源丰富。