- The steps needed to accomplish this mission are also based on scientific excellence, requiring well-trained public health practitioners and leaders dedicated to high standards of quality and ethical practice. 采取必要的步骤,完成这个使命,也是基于科学英才,需要训练有素的公共卫生从业人员和领导人致力于高品质标准及道德实践。
- The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis. 卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。
- Public health practitioners 公共卫生从业人员
- The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers. 这个餐馆有公共卫生部门官员定期前来检查。
- The discussion turned on the need for better public health care. 讨论环绕着改善公众卫生保健的必要性。
- A public health center in every city is provided under the health law. 根据卫生法,每个城市都设有一个公共医疗保健中心。
- The doctor works in the domain of public health. 医生在公众健康范围内工作。
- Why is tobacco a public health priority? 为什么烟草是一项公共卫生重点?
- TB: Public Health versus Personal Liberty? 肺结核:公众健康与个人自由哪个更重要?
- Traditionally, health practitioners have focused on diet and exercise - and a large dose of willpower - to treat the problem. 针对肥胖问题,健康学家们一直强调饮食和运动,还有坚强的毅力。
- Evidence of a public health risk is found on board. 船上发现公共卫生风险的证据。
- To make MCT work ethically, it is necessary for Taiwan's mental health practitioners to understand ethical issues and empirical data about MCT. 为使强制社区治疗能够合乎伦理地进行,台湾精神卫生从业人员必须要强制社区治疗之伦理议题及相关实证资料。
- The aim of the public health actions is to. 采取公共生措施的目的。
- Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health. TRIPS与公共健康的宣言。
- Kinesiology and Touch For Health.Avatar EAV/EDS Diagostic Aid for health practitioners - Australiasian distribution and training. 网站简介 : Health information; innovative products; services and training - the leading edge of the health experience.
- We must pay great attention to public health. 我们必须重视公共卫生。
- The fund is earmarked for public health services. 这笔钱是专为保健事业用的。
- Today, pendulums are widely used by Holistic Health Practitioners for bringing through the information we need to direct and monitor progress in the healing processes. 今天,灵摆因为 能带来贯穿身体愈合全部过程中所需的指示和监视信息而被整体健康从业者广泛应用。
- Public health developed continuously. 卫生事业不断发展。
- Existing texts on ethnicity and health are often esoteric and academic in focus, accessible to researchers and policy analysts rather than health practitioners. 关于种族划分和健康的现有的正文对准焦点经常深奥和学术性,易接近研究人员和政策分析家而不是健康开业医生。