- To " the netizen is ecru " , the public and media opinions differ from each other. 对于“网民本色”,公众与媒体见仁见智。
- Unlike some environmental issues,rain forest depletion has fortunately received significant public and media attention. 与环境的一些其他问题不同,热带雨林的减少已经幸运地引起了公众与媒体的高度重视。
- The Press Office serves the needs of the general public and media for information about the United Kingdom and its government policies. 新闻处的职能是为公众和媒体提供关于英国及其政府政策方面的信息。
- Base on the definition and communication mode of public relations, I concretely analyzed the host、public and media of public relations in the construction of urban brand. 本文通过对公共关系定义和传播模式的理论梳理和实践探讨,具体分析了在城市品牌建设中公共关系的主体、公众及媒介的特征。
- Anyhow, as a result of cereal song set " never do evil " business purpose, the public and medium ask with higher level this network searchs a tycoon mostly. 无论如何,由于谷歌设定了“永不作恶”的企业宗旨,公众和传媒大多以更高的标准要求这家网络搜索巨头。
- NA: In thinking of historical and cultural antecedents for the personality you have groomed, artfully or artlessly, for the public and media, I keep going back to a wonderful figure in literature. 安:想到你为公众和媒体,艺术或非艺术地美化过的历史和文化先人,我总能想到一个很棒的文学形象。
- Unlike some environmental issues,rain forest depletion has fortunately received significant public and media attention. espite the opposition to the cutting down of rain forests,the problem continues. 与环境的一些其他问题不同,热带雨林的减少已经幸运地引起了公众与媒体的高度重视。然而尽管反对滥砍乱伐的呼声不断,该问题依然继续存在。
- This site offers information of the council, includes its memberships, faculty services, research and services, news and meetings, publications and media info, and related links. 本网站介绍了委员会提供的基金支持和其它服务,以及新闻会议、出版物和软件、会员信息和相关的链接等。
- WMF still has a problem with public image and media relations. 维基媒体基金会在媒体及公关的形象上仍有待改善。
- Please specify name of publication and issue date. 广告,请注明期刊名称及发行日期。
- Flat seating faces for low and medium pressures. 适用于中低压力的平面阀座表面。
- GPG uses two keys: public and private. GPG使用两种密钥:公钥和私钥。
- Catalogues and media can be unreal. 画册与传媒可以是不真实的。
- Steven W. Thrasher is a writer and media producer. 作者是作家兼媒体制作人。
- Encourage public and voluntary service. 鼓励公共和志愿服务。
- Extensive public and private peering points. 遍布各地的公共和私人联通点。
- Job fair for high and medium level professionals. 中高级人才交流洽谈会。
- What is public and private market? 什么是公开市场和私募市场?
- Food is a favourite subject and medium. 食物是备受青睐的主题和媒介。
- The book was warmly received by the reading public and went through six editions within a year. 这本书受到广大读者热烈欢迎,一年之中发行了六版。