- Pules Blow Bag Dust Collector 脉冲带式除尘器
- Improvement and extending application of energy-saving control circuit in the air compressor for pulse - blowing bag dust collector 脉吹袋式收尘器空压机节能控制回路的改进及推广应用
- The essay, from the point of view of the production process of coking, introduces how to remove dust efficiently and reliably by bag dust collector. 本文从焦炭的生产过程出发,介绍了布袋除尘器如何在焦化除尘系统中实现高效可靠的除尘过程。
- A novel electrostatic bag dust collector was proposed,the technical and economic merits of the collector analyzed,and a preliminarily study of its dust collecting mechanism carried out in the article. 提出一种新颖的电袋复合除尘器装置;从技术、经济上进行分析论证其可行性;并对其除尘机理进行初步研究.
- Using low-pressure pulse technique to reform reverse blow bag dust trap 利用低压脉冲技术改造反吹风袋式除尘器的研究
- Choice of the Filtering Medium of the Bag Dust Collector 袋收尘器滤料的选用
- The application of bag dust collector to the cement kiln 袋收尘器在水泥窑上的应用
- Discussion on Modification Program of No.3 Bag Dust Collector 3%23大布袋收尘器更新改造方案的探讨
- Application of Bag Dust Collector in Thermal Power Plant and its Development 布袋除尘器在火电厂中的应用及其发展前景
- Application of cyclone dust collector instead of bag dust filter in our factory 我厂以旋风除尘器替代袋式除尘器的运行情况
- Analysis of the Application of Bag Dust Collector to Coking Dust Remove System 布袋除尘器在焦化除尘系统中的应用分析
- A research on automatic control system for bag dust collector of the electric-arc furnace 电弧炉袋式除尘器自动控制系统
- Electric Dust Collector VS Bag Dust Collector in High Temperature Gas Collection 高温烟气采用电、袋收尘器比较中的若干问题
- Analysis on the performance of external pulse back-blowing filter bag dust collector for blast furnace gas 高炉煤气布袋除尘内外反吹技术的性能分析
- Design and application of bag dust collector was made in our own plant for cement mill 自制水泥磨袋式收尘器的设计与应用
- A solar energy collector;a dust collector. 太阳能集电器;集尘器
- Field bus technology employed in the overhaul of the control system for bag dust collector 现场总线在布袋除尘控制系统中的应用
- Common Problems in the Gas-box-containing Pulsated Bag Dust Collector and Their Solutions 气箱脉冲袋式除尘器常见问题及解决办法
- The application of PLC in the control system of the pulse blow bag filter is described.Lays stress on the new way of energy saving of the bag filter. 介绍了可编程控制器在脉冲反吹袋式过滤器控制系统中的应用,重点探讨了袋式过滤器节能降耗的改进方案。
- Design of bag dust collector system and its application to treat waste gas in kiln head 袋除尘系统处理窑头废气的设计与应用