- Punch die CAD System 冲裁模 CAD 系统的标准件建库技术及其界面设计
- Data management technology is one of key technology in the extrusion die CAD system. 数据管理技术是挤压模CAD系统中的关键技术之一。
- The key problem about the re-development based on UG software for the tube drawing die CAD system was studied. 研究了利用UG软件对拉深模CAD系统实现二次开发的一些关键问题。
- The thesis introduces the key technology for development of bending die CAD system, including API of SolidWorks, the way of customization development, database and reusable component technology. 本文首先介绍了三维CAD及其相关技术,包括SolidWorks的应用编程接口,SolidWorks二次开发方法,数据库技术,ActiveX技术和构件技术。
- A stamping die CAD system based on CBR 基于事例推理技术的冲压模具CAD系统
- Engineering Database in Cold Die CAD System 冷冲模CAD系统中的工程数据库系统
- A New Developing Drawing Die CAD System 一个新开发的拉深模CAD系统
- Automatic generation of non-circular punch and matrix in dies CAD system 冲模CAD中非圆凸模和凹模的自动生成
- Using AutoCAD2000 as developmental platform and Sybase as DBMS, the stamping die CAD system of aircraft sheet metal parts is studied based on the developmental software (Visual Lisp and VBA of AutoCAD) and Ashbase (Aircraft sheet metal forming database). 以AutoCAD2 0 0 0软件作为开发平台 ;使用其提供的二次开发工具VisualLisp和VBA ;并以Sybase作为后台数据库管理系统 ;在飞机板金成形数据库Ashbase的基础上 ;结合生产实际 ;研究了飞机板金件冲压模CAD系统 .
- Extrusion die CAD system of deeper hole and thinner wall parts 深孔薄壁件挤压模CAD系统
- Application and Research of OOP Techologies in Die CAD System 冷冲模CAD中面向对象技术的应用研究
- Research on XML Modeling of Design Information in Die CAD System 冷冲模CAD系统中设计信息XML描述模型的研究
- A new style punch die without burrs is designed. 设计了一种新型无毛刺冲孔模具。
- Development and Application of Die CAD System Based on UG 基于UG的冷冲模CAD系统开发与应用
- A Cold die CAD System Based on drawing Software CADtool 基于图形软件CADtool的冷冲模CAD系统
- Die CAD system based on template 基于模板的冷冲模CAD系统
- Stamping Dies CAD System of Shell for Liner Bearing 直线轴承外毂架冲压模具CAD系统
- A Stamping Die CAD System Based on Assembly Model 基于装配的冲压模具CAD系统
- The description and the graphics processing of the top relation between the graphic elements of die and punch parts in the Die CAD System 冲模CAD系统中冲裁零件各元素间拓扑关系描述及图形处理
- The Case-Based Design Methodology in Intelligent Stamping Die CAD System 智能冲模CAD系统中的CBD方法研究