- Punctures the blood therapy is a Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion study constituent.It can treat each kind of disease,and widely spreads in the folk. 刺血疗法是中医针灸学的一个组成部分,它能治疗各类疾病,在民间广为流传。
- Keywords Punctures the blood therapy;percussopunctator;triangle-edged neddle; 刺血疗法;梅花针;三棱针;
- Punctures the blood therapy 刺血疗法
- She was sick at the sight of the blood. 她一见到血就感到恶心。
- The blood coursed through the arteries. 血液在动脉血管中循环。
- The blood had saturated his shirt. 血浸透了他的衬衫。
- Knowledge is often the blood brother of practice. 知识与实践往往是不可分的。
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科医生首先切开血管。
- The news sent the blood pulsing through his veins. 这消息使他的血液都沸腾起来了。
- Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood. 哈唯发现了血液循环。
- Sophia stanched the blood with a cloth. 索菲亚用一布块止住了血。
- The blood coursed through his veins. 血在他的血管中流动。
- The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee. 血液在她的膝盖伤口周围凝固了。
- She paled at the sight of the blood. 她一看到血就脸色苍白。
- The thought of that air crash makes the blood creep. 一想到那次空难就会心惊胆战。
- The presence of bacteria in the blood. 菌血症血液中细菌的存在
- The blood can also export waste products from the tissues. 血液还能从身体组织里输出废物。
- To avoid puncturing the blood vessels so as to prevent bleeding, for patients with a tendency of spontaneous bleeding or unceased bleeding after injury, acupuncture should not be applied. 避开血管针刺,防止出血,有自发性出血倾向或损伤后出血不止的患者,不宜针刺。
- The high blood pressure brain disease/stab the blood therapy 高血压脑病/刺血疗法
- An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood. 低血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量