- The managements included pupillary dilatation with 1% tropicamide, replacement, operative reduction, reimplantation after vitrectomy and removement of IOLs. 采用托吡卡胺散瞳复位、单纯手术复位、前段玻璃体切除单纯取出再植入、更换和取出人工晶状体等方法进行处理。
- passive pupillary dilatation glaucoma 被动瞳孔散大性青光眼
- Method: 38 patients with cataracts were emulsified by using non cut pupillary dilation cystotome or diathermic high freguency capsulorrhexis. 方法:应用非切开瞳孔牵拉扩张法及部分下方瞳孔缘括约肌剪断法原位超声乳化碎核等技术对38例小瞳孔白内障行超声乳化。
- Effect of pupillary dilation and tear film break-up on wavefront aberration.YAN Xiaoming, LI Haili, WANG Jie, SU Baofang, JIN Fngxia, LIU Jintao. 大以及泪膜的破坏所导致的角膜表面不规则性改变是眼高阶像差增加的重要原因。
- Pupillary dilatation 散瞳
- Causing dilatation of the pupils. 瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的
- C. O erve pupillary re o e of both eyes. 观察双眼瞳孔反应。
- Pyelectasis with or without ureteral dilatation. 肾盂扩张伴有或不伴有尿道扩张。
- Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes. (细)支气管扩张支气管的慢性扩张
- Observe pupillary response of both eyes. 观察双眼瞳孔反应。
- There is progressive ventricular dilatation. 渐进发展的脑室扩大。
- C. Observe pupillary response of both eyes. 观察两眼瞳孔反应。
- Objective:To evaluate the prognostic relationship between intracranial hematoma,cerebral herniation,dilatation of pupils and disappearance of pupillary reflex. 目的:探讨外伤性颅内血肿脑疝形成瞳孔散大、光反应消失与转归关系;
- Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication. 急性胃扩张是一种罕有的并发症。
- sacs, pupillary dilation, panting, tachycardia, and sweating. Response to euthanasia procedures (handling, restraint, 瞳孔放大,喘气,心动过速,发汗。对于不同种类及个体的动物,安乐死都不一样(操作,
- After natural abortion must dilatation and curettage? 自然流产后必须刮宫吗?
- As dilatation occurs, capillaries become abnormally permeable to proteins. 随着扩张的发生,毛细血管对蛋白变得异常地易于渗透。
- pupillary dilation 瞳孔扩大
- There are dilatation of blood sinus, hemolysis, macrophage reactions erc. 脾血窦扩张、溶血及巨噬细胞反应等现象;
- pupillary dilatator muscle 瞳孔开大肌