- The pure consciousness of the Atman is unchangeable. 阿特曼的纯粹意识是不会改变的。
- The Atman shines forth in its own pristine nature, as pure consciousness. 阿特曼作为纯粹意识,在其自身的、纯洁本性中放射出光芒。
- About the experience of pure Being, pure Consciousness, Oneness, the Budda Energy Field, and certainly, about LOVE. 关于存在,关于意识,关于合一,关于能量场,关于爱。
- Presence is pure consciousness - consciousness that has been reclaimed from the mind, from the world of form. “在场”是纯意识--从思维那里、形世界那里回收过来的意识。”
- You become the "light of the world," an emanation of pure consciousness, and so you eliminate suffering on the level of cause. 你成为了“世界之光”,纯意识的散发物,因此你从根本上消除了困难。
- Therefore, repeat of the practice asana is absolutely not simple repeat.After each repeat, your body is purified by the new fresh blood and more pure consciousness. 所以,体式的重复练习绝对不仅仅是简单的重复,每一次重复过后,你的身体都在被新的血液、更为纯净的意识所洗礼。
- Repeated feelings of elevation lifted me from the physical to the mental level, and then to pure consciousness, and finally to the spiritual level, where I became one with everyone. 于是在一再地超越之下,我从肉体精神意识,进而提升至灵性层次,最后与大众融为一体。
- For a discussion about the petal count see also petal (chakra)Often referred as thousand-petaled lotus, it is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. 因为讨论花瓣数同样明白了花瓣(脉轮)经常提到的如千瓣莲花那样,据说是系统中极其精细的脉轮,与纯意识关联,它就是散发其它脉轮的这个脉轮。
- This universal vital principle, "Brahma", which comes forth from the center as the lotus flower extending itself into 3 dimensional space-time, is pure consciousness projecting itself into form according to mathematical relationships and harmonies. 的普遍法则,是从伸展进三维时空的莲花中心产生出来的,按照数学的和谐关系它是一种纯意识形式。
- Rolf A Kluenter: Our troubled human metaphysical enquiries give rise to restless creative acts.Acts through which we attempt to enter pure consciousness unencumbered by these weighty bodies. 通过这些行为,我们努力去进入一个没有被肉体形态所妨碍的纯意识的境界。
- The non-subjectivism spirit basically comes from every pure consciousness (inc luding self-consciousness), which suits its own horizon and the idea of the h orizon further aroused the existentialism. 这种非主体主义精神从根本上说源于每一纯粹意识(包括自身感知)必然具有的当场境域性,而当场境域性思想又进一步引发了20世纪生存论哲学。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- I am conscious that I have done right. 我相信自己做得不错。
- 4.22 The pure consciousness of the Atman is unchangeable. 22阿特曼的纯粹意识是不会改变的。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- The moral consciousness of a country. 一个国家的道德观念。
- I am fully conscious of his honesty. 我完全清楚他的诚实。
- We must not condemn her on pure supposition. 我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。
- He was badly hurt, but he still remained conscious. 他伤得很重,但仍未失去知觉。
- He was conscious of being watched. 他觉察到被人监视。