- People consider the purple color is a nobler color. 人们认为紫色是高贵的颜色。
- Is the distinguished representative of regal purple color. 紫色是代表帝王的尊贵的颜色。
- The purple color is a noble color ifor populor idea. 人们认为紫色是高贵的颜色。
- Pleasant aroma to raspberries, cherries and plums with intense purple color. 果香怡人,树莓,樱桃和李子的芬芳浓郁,呈酱紫色。
- Apply to blood stasis dysmenorrhea, or dark purple color with silt block from pain mitigated. 适用于血淤痛经、经色紫暗或有淤块,排出后疼痛减轻者。
- Explain:The Topaz is light blue color, the mica is pink color with little purple color. 说明:黄玉颜色为淡蓝色;云母为粉红带点点紫色.
- Purple color film and blue glassy-paper have the highest and lowest transmissivity, respectively. 紫色覆盖膜与蓝色玻璃纸的穿透率分别为最高与最低。
- The purple colored ETX telescope brings you travel the Universe ! 紫色风采,席捲全球,ETX望远镜带您漫游宇宙!
- One: I don't eat anything with purple color, for example eggplant and purple cabbage. 怪癖一:不吃任何紫色的蔬菜,例如茄子、紫色高丽菜等。
- Ruby purple color, an appealing nose, exotically spiced, with good depth of character. 此款酒呈红宝石紫色,具有明显的异国辛香味。
- Qty is 5,000 pcs or 10,000 pcs,It is plastic cup holder full with water inside the purple color. 10000个,塑料杯垫,圆环内是紫色的水,做的到的话以后有单再放比你!
- You need to come up with a new concept instead of the girly pink and purple color scheme you have right now. 你应该有个新的设计理念了,比如紫色代替少女般粉红色对于现在的你比较适合。
- The ink pen look is achieved mostly through the ink-like purple color and paint splatters. 我们将提请涂鸦经常使用的标记和文件,不要担心如果您的绘画技巧是从实践中,我会解释的进程。
- A tropical tree(Peltogyne paniculata) native to Guiana and Trinidad, having very hard, durable brown wood that turns a purple color on exposure. 紫心木一种产于圭亚那和特里尼达的热带树(雌蕊木属紫心木),其韧性的褐色木材暴露在空气中即变成紫红色
- Description: cool purple color eyes make-up is balanced by soft pink color.The top-class metal shining creates the velour-like and profuse color. 内容阐述:清冷的紫色眼妆用柔美的粉色得以平衡,上品金属光泽实现如丝绒般多变而丰富的色彩。
- One day Arachne's father, who was a fisherman, came home with his baskets full of little shellfish, which were of a bright crimson or purple color. 有一天,何瑞克宁以捕鱼为生的父亲,抱著满满一笼子的小贝壳回来,那种贝壳是艳丽的鲜红色,也就是深红色。
- The 2004 was apparently strong and heavy, followed by high intense dark purple color with nose of barrel, black currant &herbs. 2004年的酒明显力壮沉重,它带有高密度深紫颜色,鼻子充满木桶、黑加仑子和草药香气。
- Displaying a dense purple color as well as low acidity, this blackberry and cassis-flavored wine shows tobacco and expresso coffee notes. 此酒拥有浓郁的深紫色泽,酸度较低,黑莓与醋栗的口味突出,并散发着烟草与浓咖啡的清香。
- Some flowers have been blooming, the back is purple petals, and inside it shows a white, as if a magician is to magnolia petals purple color change it! 有的花朵已经绽放,花瓣背面是紫色的,而里面却显露出了白色,就好像一位魔术大师正在给紫玉兰的花瓣变颜色呢!
- Other possible signs are lack of egg production, or eggs with soft shells; lack of energy; swelling in the eyes and neck; and a purple color around the legs. 另些可能的信号是产蛋减少,或者生产出软壳蛋。缺少活力,眼睛和脖子肿大。以及腿周围出现紫色圈。