- Pyrethrum partheniumn. 短舌匹菊
- Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium Bocc. [医] 白花除虫菊,除虫菊
- Pyrethrum cinerariifolium (Trey.) Vis. 白花除虫菊
- Wider application of a pyrethrum, rotenone and tobacco, and so on. 广泛应用的有除虫菊、鱼藤和烟草等。
- To evaluate the immune toxicity of natural pyrethrum. 目的检测天然除虫菊酯的免疫毒性。
- This article draws up the pyrethrum ester insecticide. 本品是拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂。
- Parthenium dermatitis:Is it a systemic contact dermatitis or an airborne contact dermatitis? 银胶菊皮炎:内吸收性接触性皮炎还是空气传播性接触性皮炎?
- An insecticide derived from a plant, e.g. pyrethrum (from Chrysanthemum flowers). 3来源于植物的杀虫剂,例如除虫菊(来源于菊花)。
- The Shaoxing yellow wine organic phosphorus remains, the pyrethrum remains had not picked out. 绍兴黄酒有机磷残留,菊酯类残留均未检出。
- A shrub(Parthenium argentatum) of the southwest United States and Mexico whose sap was considered a potential source of natural rubber during World War II. 银胶菊美国西南部和墨西哥的一种灌木(银胶菊属灰白银胶菊),其树液在第二次世界大战期间被认为是天然橡胶的潜在来源
- The seeds of accompanied species Bidens pilosa and energy plant Delavaya toxocarpa were treated with the aqueous extracts of root, stem and flower of Parthenium hysterophorus. 摘要以伴生草本植物三叶鬼针草和能源木本植物茶条木为受试植物,初步研究了外来入侵植物银胶菊根、茎、花水浸提液对二者种子萌发的化感效应。
- Studies on Tissue Culture and Chromosome Identification Technology of Pyrethrum Cinerariae folium Trev. 白花除虫菊组织培养研究。
- The output of some export crops, notably cashews, cotton, and pyrethrum, fell drastically. 有几种出口农作物,特别是腰果、棉花和除虫菊的产量大幅度下降。
- Induction, preservation and differentiation of calli of Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Trev. 除虫菊愈伤组织的诱导和继代。
- Yotech Export Grade used for intermediate of agrcultural pesticides, pyrethrum pesticide. 永达出口标准农药杀虫剂菊酯中间体。
- Role in the nervous system of pests, such as DDT, parathion, carbofuran, esters, such as pyrethrum. 作用于害虫的神经系统,如滴滴涕、对硫磷、呋喃丹、除虫菊酯等。
- Objective To investigate effects of hemoperfusion on severe pyrethrum type pesticide poisoning. 目的研究血液灌流治疗重度菊酯类杀虫剂中毒的疗效。
- Feverfew and pyrethrum are used in insecticides;feverfew and tansy were formerly used in medicines. 小白菊除药用外,和红花除虫菊均可用制杀虫剂。
- Parthenium L. [医] 银胶菊属
- A review is made of the preparation, function and application, of the natural pyrethrum ester. 综述了天然除虫菊酯的制备、作用机理和应用。