- The bridge spans over Qiantang River, as if it is a magnificent rainbow. 大桥如飞虹,跨钱塘江两岸,颇为壮观。
- Reclaiming land from Qiantang River is a wonder in the human history of land reclamation. 围垦钱塘江滩涂是人类造地史上的一个奇迹。
- You can have a magnificent view of the Qiantang River from the top of the Six Harmonies Pagoda. 从六和塔的顶层看;钱塘江的壮丽景色尽收眼底.
- Qiantang River is so vast, endless round of the day and night from the edge bypass Niujiacun Linan, East into the sea. 钱塘江浩浩江水,日日夜夜无穷无休的从临安牛家村边绕过,东流入海。
- Can you introduce the International Xiaoshan Qiantang River Tidal Bore Festival? 请你介绍一下萧山钱塘国际观潮节,好吗?
- West Lake is now linked again with the Qiantang River and is usually renewed with fresh water once a month. 西湖如今又与钱塘江相连,湖水通常每月更新一次。
- At the site of Binhe Road Station across the Qiantang River, it was already a sight of busy construction. 在钱塘江对岸,滨和路站的建设工地上,已是一片繁忙景象。
- Adjacent to the famous Qiantang River, the Park is located at the Hangzhou National Hi-tech Development Zone. 园区紧邻著名的钱塘江,位于杭州国家高新技术开发区内。
- Hangzhou Xinbang Rubber Co., Ltd is located at Xiaoshan Jiangdong Development Zone, south the beautiful Qiantang River. 杭州新邦橡胶有限公司坐落于风景秀美的钱塘江南岸,萧山江东开发区。
- It’s well within the national watercourse network because of the Qiantang River and the Grand Canal. 以钱塘江、京杭大运河为主干,形成连通全国的水运网络。
- Top view park, in chongqing, WuDou frolic qiantang river, the huangpu river mouth nepheline mist. 恒山顶上观天,钱塘江中弄潮,雾都重庆雾低,黄浦江口霞高。
- Hangzhou's mother river is called Qiantang River, which is also known as Qianjiang River. The Qianjiang CBD is named after this river. 杭州的母亲河名为钱塘江,也称钱江。钱江中央商务区就是以钱江命名。
- We owe the spectacular tidal bore at the mouth of Qiantang River to the special funnel- shaped estuary of the Gulf of Hangzhou. 钱塘江潮壮观的成因,主要由钱塘江喇叭形的入海口造成的。
- Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou, there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River. 杭州的风景名胜,除西湖外,还有钱塘江潮。
- Ecological Wetland Park is about 1200 mu in area and 150 meters in width, it extends 4 kilometers along the 2nd dikes of Qiantang River. 占地面积约1200亩分生态湿地公园,以150米的宽度沿钱塘江二线堤塘铺展4公里,共有。
- After winding through high mountain ridges of the western part of Zhejiang, Qiantang River becomes wider with majestic scenery. 蜿蜒曲折的钱塘江,穿过浙西的崇山峻岭到这里之后,江面开阔,景色壮观。
- Duo to special geographical site and configuration, the magnitude of typhoon surge in Qiantang river estuary is violent. 钱塘江河口杭州湾由于独特的海湾地理位置和形态,引起台风暴潮强烈增水。
- Still remember the last time I saw NEMO, took walk at the side of QIANTANG River, play downstairs at her home, with her daughter APPLE and parents. 仍然记得最后一次见到NEMO,与她父母以及Apple在钱塘江边散步,在家楼下玩耍。
- The spring is located at the foot of Daci (Great Compassion) Hill which stretches between the West Lake and the Qiantang River. 五代此地建有龙井寺,北宋时龙井已成为旅游胜地。
- The monitoring method of remote sensing on water clarity is studied in this chapter, which is used in the Estuary of Qiantang River. 研究了水体透明度的遥感监测方法,并在钱塘江入海口水体的时空变化监测中应用。