- Qing Dynasty prior period 清代前期
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- Qing dynasty was the ripest period of feudal bureaucrat system. 清代是封建官僚体系之集大成者,其膳食官员也多于前代。
- This coin predates the Qing Dynasty. 这种硬币是在清朝以前就有的。
- In period between Ming and Qing dynasty, Confucian had been reconstructed. 摘要明清之际,传统儒学进行了一次大规模的重新整合。
- Why People Went West in Qing Dynasty? 试析清代走西口的成因?
- Owned by the Liao family of the Qing Dynasty. 是清代一户姓廖人家的住宅。
- Accordingly, no prior period adjustment is required. 因此,毋须作出过往期间调整。
- It's a post office built in the Qing Dynasty. 清朝时设立的邮局。
- Yes. This street was built in the Qing Dynasty. 对呀。这条老街建于清朝。
- This is the lidded-cup tea of the Qing Dynasty. 这就是清代的盖碗茶。
- I like paintings from the Qing Dynasty. 我喜欢清朝的画。
- That were built during the late Qing Dynasty. 大多数还都是清朝末年建造的。
- It originated in the Qing Dynasty. 它起源于清代。
- They are in the Qing dynasty style. 他们是清代风格的。
- Returns a member from a prior period in the same relative position as a specified member. 返回上一期间中与指定成员具有相同的相对位置的成员。
- Yueju Opera first appeared in the Qing Dynasty. 粤剧最早起源于清代。
- An universal algorithm of reliability evaluation of shipboard power systems is built, and the corresponding prior period research is put forward. 以船舶电网的拓扑结构设计中的可靠性研究为例,介绍了各种可靠性指标的计算方法,并指出了进一步的研究方向。
- This stage was indeed built in the Qing Dynasty. 这座戏台的确是清朝时期的建筑。