- Qiu Jin is a good representative of "heroine" in literature and social practices. 秋瑾就是其时“英雌”文学实践和社会实践的典型代表。
- Its techniques qiu jin pen knife, dripping earned, and has a rough in the small See, Zhuo Qiao hidden features. 其技法刀笔遒劲,酣畅淋漓,且具有粗中见细、拙中藏巧的特点。
- In 1907, Qiu Jin, a famous fighter of democratic revolution, was killed by the Qing government at Xuantingkou in Shaoxing. 中国一代女侠、著名的民主革命斗士秋瑾不幸于1907年被满清政府杀害于绍兴轩亭口。
- Qiu Jin is an outstanding woman revolutionary of capitalist class in modern history of our country,and she is also an educationist with insight. 秋瑾是我国近代史上杰出的资产阶级女革命家,也是一位颇有见地的教育家。
- Qiu Jin is an outstanding woman revolutionary of capitalist class in modem history of our country, and she is also an educationist with insight. 摘要秋瑾是我国近代史上杰出的资产阶级女革命家,也是一位颇有见地的教育家。
- Qiu Jin"s departure has been nearly for 100 years.In this century,earthshaking changes have taken place in the politics, culture and the society of the country. 秋瑾就义已经整整一个世纪,百年当中,国家的政治、经济、文化、社会发生了翻天覆地的变化。
- Qiu Jin Gaocheng City Town Village is a deposit-Jane Lee Jin Zhuang ancestors from Hongdong County in Shanxi Province to move a little discipline Ligusticum monument. 藁城市丘头镇靳庄村现珍存一通靳庄李氏先民从山西洪洞县迁藁纪略碑。
- The eighth generation Accord model reflects the atmosphere, distinguished design, in particular, both through the side of the body's "waistline," Qiu Jin there is no shortage of powerful dynamic. 第八代雅阁的造型体现了大气、尊贵的设计理念,特别是车身侧面贯穿首尾的“腰线”,遒劲有力却不乏动感。
- Lobby and the Office of Baidoa within the courtyard of the Cooper Song Lian Shouzhi, branches Qiu Jin, on Boyun days, it seems to quietly tell visitors the history of 600 years of vicissitudes. 玄麓山上有饮鹤川、蕊珠岩、飞雨洞等玄麓八景及元代摩崖石刻。江南第一家以其融古代建筑,风景名胜,民俗传统、儒家文化为一体的独特品位,吸引着无数的中外游客。
- On QIU Jin's feminist thought in her works 秋瑾作品中的女权主义思想探析
- The Public Opinions on Qiu Jin Case--A Discussion with Mr. Li Xizhu 民间舆论如何看待秋瑾案--兼与李细珠先生商榷
- Study on the Thought of Qiu Jin during Her Time in Beijing 秋瑾北京时期思想研究
- Qiu Jin--A Trinity: Woman Revolutionist, Woman Writer and Woman Figure 女革命家·女作家·女性形象--三个视角看秋瑾
- Jin Qiao promised to hand in the money early next morning. 金桥答应第二天一早就把钱交上去。
- HAOSHA(Jin Qiu) fitness center, Star on September 18,2004. 2浩沙(锦秋)健身会所,2004年9月18日开业。
- Her poem works created in honor of Qiu Jin added something new to the Parnassus of that time; 她创作于清末民初以悼念秋瑾为主要内容的诗作,在表现内容、风格与气魄上,为当时的诗坛增添了“新质”;
- " Calligraphy works, paintings good landscape tree stone, Qiu Jin T cells, can be a turbulent Seto slowly flowing, hazy Piaomiao's difficult to write like. 工书法,擅画山水树石,笔格遒劲,能得湍濑潺湲、烟霞缥缈难写之状。
- Zhang Qiu Zhen Yu Forging Co., Ltd. 章丘振宇锻造有限公司宁波三鑫机电制造有限公司。
- We have complete works of Ba Jin. 我们有巴金的全部作品。
- Ren Qiu Gao Yi Welding Equipment Co., Ltd. 任丘市高益焊接设备有限公司。