- Qu Yuan and his poems 屈原和他的诗歌
- He put his personal frustrations into the epoch calamity that learned from Qu Yuan and Song Yu, and reminisced the Southern Dynasty. 其诗宗法屈宋,追慕南朝,融个人坎坷与时代灾难于一体,疏淡清美,自成体格。
- Its birth and development had a lot to do with the early Qin Dynasty poems,but should owe its real origin to "Ode to Oranges" written by Qu Yuan and "Prose Writtings" by Xun Qin, which had already contained the three features. 诗体赋的产生和发展脱离不了与先秦诗歌的关系,但真正作为诗体赋的滥觞,应当是屈原的《橘颂》和荀卿的《赋篇》五(?) ,它们已经基本具备了诗体赋的三个特征。
- A cultural survey on Vanilla Herb image would help to understand Qu Yuan's Works and his rich inner world. 在巫文化视角下对“香草”意象进行审视,有利于我们更好地理解屈原作品,并走近诗人丰富的内心世界。
- But thousands of years, Qu Yuans patriotism and his touching poem, it has been widely popular. 但千百年来,屈原的爱国精神和感人诗辞,已广泛深入人心。
- And this is quite significant for the studies of Qu Yuan and "Chu Ci". 这一结论对屈原及《楚辞》研究,对赋体文学发展历史的研究都有较大的意义。
- The culture of reclusion of the Han Dynasty makes both inheritance and innovation of Qu Yuan and Song Yu. 摘要汉代隐逸文化对屈原、宋玉有所继承,又有出新。
- An Analysis of QU Yuan's Resentment Mood Showed in His Poems 屈原骚怨心境剖析
- In Chinese history, patriots such as Qu Yuan and Dr Sun Yat Sen were not loyal to the country because they had been given a cosy life,on the contrary, the country only brought them humiliation and suffering. 中华民族历代的爱国者,从屈原到孙中山,都不是因为国家能给他们舒适安逸的生活,他们才爱国的,相反的,国家给他带来是屈辱、灾难与痛苦。
- In the lucid and elegant style, his emotions were well expressed and his poems had particular significance in the late Tang poetry. 他以清词丽句来表达自己的情感,并形成一种特殊的美感境界,在唐末诗坛上具有重要意义。
- Secondly,SI Ma-qian wrote the ideaistic puzzles of his own in the biography,and wrote the age ideaistic differece between QU Yuan and JIA Yi.It shows two kinds of defferent culture spirit. 第三,司马迁的伟大之处就在于,他不但为我们提供了有关屈原的物质史料方面的基本真实,同时也写出了屈原在文化精神上的真实。
- A sketch of his life story will be of considerable significance to fur-ther study of his poems and his thought. 勾勒其生平事迹,对进一步研究刘过诗文及其思想有一定的积极意义。
- The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown. 屈原的生卒年月不详。
- As to its origin, popular opinions are mainly about Commemoration of Qu Yuan and Wu Zixu, exorcizing the evil, announcement of the summer solstice, the dragon totem worship and so on. 就端午起源而言,流行的主要有纪念屈原和伍子胥说、恶日说、夏至说和龙图腾祭祀说等;
- Mu Dan phenomenon is refer to the points which are out of the ordinary in Mu Dan and his poem. "穆旦现象"是指穆旦其人其诗中的不寻常现象。
- In some of his poems, we can see not only his understanding of the Void and his meditation thoughts, but also some elements of koan. 他的一些诗歌中表达了他对“空”的理解和感悟,禅宗公案的语言形式也被他吸收并运用于诗歌创造,禅定时的一些体验在他的诗歌中亦有所表现。
- His poems changed in patterns and themes over time.His early works eulogized revolution and his later works indulged in fantasy with strong religious characters. 探讨了随着时势变迁,布莱克诗歌创作形式及主题的变化,前期作品热情讴歌革命,而后期则沉湎于想象,并带有浓浓的宗教色彩。
- As a politician, Qu Yuan has his own law thought. 摘要作为政冶家的屈原有自已的法律思想。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。
- I don't have much conceit of his poems. 我对他的诗作没有什么好评。