- In the Lashihai region it only can be seen in Quercus aquifolioides Forest on east faced slope and in sub-stratum of Mixed Forest in Wenhai. 流域内出现于东向坡面川滇高山栎林下(较少见)、和文海北面针阔叶混交林下亚层(较多)。
- It belongs to DCZ-H Pattern, which is frequent under deciduous broad-leaf forest, mixed forest. It only can be seen in Quercus aquifolioides Forest in the Lashihai region, rare. 属于滇西北、川西南和藏东南横断山区特有分布(DCZ-H)。常见于落叶阔叶林、针阔叶混交林等林下。流域内见于川滇高山栎林下,少见。
- Quercus aquifolioides forest 川滇高山栎林
- Studies on the Correlation of Plant Species-area of Quercus Aquifolioides Dwarf Forest with Altitude Gradient at Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province 四川卧龙自然保护区川滇高山栎矮林在海拔梯度上的植物种-面积研究
- Keywords Alpine sclerophyllous evergreen oak forest;Quercus aquifolioides;Biodiversity;Biomass;Flora;Vegetation type;Balangshan Mountains;Western Sichuan; 高山硬叶常绿阔叶林;川滇高山栎;生物多样性;生物量;植物区系;生活型;巴朗山;川西山地;
- 64.As a very special vegetation type in China, Quercus aquifolioides are widely distributed in the Hengduanshan Mountain area, belonging to a type of the sub-alpine sclerophyllous oak forest. 川滇高山栎广泛分布于横断山地区,属于亚高山硬叶栎林,是中国植被非常特殊的类型。
- The Altitudinal Gradient Changes of Population Demography Characteristics of Quercus aquifolioides Population 川滇高山栎种群统计特征的海拔梯度变化
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Quercus aquifolioidesn. 川滇高山栎
- Quercus aquifolioides shrubland 高山栎灌丛
- It is said that there are wolves in this forest. 据说这片森林里有狼。
- A large part of Africa is made up of thick forest. 非洲的大部分地区都是密林。
- There is a leafy forest in our hometown. 在我们的家乡有一片树叶茂密的森林。
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- Billows of flame swept through the forest. 熊熊烈火席卷森林。
- The forest was almost impassable. 森林几乎不可逾越。
- The path petered out deep in the forest. 小路漫漫消失在密林深处。
- The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire. 那小屋被森林大火烧毁。
- The wind wailed in the forest all night. 风在林子里彻夜呼啸。
- He blundered through the dark forest. 他跌跌撞撞地穿过黑暗的森林。