- What is an RSS Feed and Why should subscribe? 我为什么要学会订阅?
- RSS Feed of New Debian Packages Listing. Debian新软件包的RSS资源。
- In the Web page, click the subscribe to this RSS feed link. 在该网页中,单击“订阅此RSS源”链接。
- The delivery mechanism for RSS content is known as an RSS feed. RSS内容的传递机制称为“RSS源”。
- Click OK to confirm adding the RSS Feed to Office Outlook 2007. 单击“确定”确认将RSS源添加到Office Outlook 2007中。
- You can subscribe to any RSS feed using the following form. 可以用邮件来订阅。
- Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. 在理想中,这样的活动还是社区在周末举行覆盖面更大吧。
- The
element specifies the program used to generate the RSS feed. 元素的作用是:指定用于生成RSS频道的程序名。 - In the General section, type a new name in the RSS Feed Name text box. 在“常规”部分,在“RSS源名称”文本框中键入新名称。
- An RSS feed reader is an aggregator of numerous feeds from news sources. 从多种来源抓取新闻。
- For example, an RSS Feed might have a maximum polling frequency of 60 minutes. 例如,某个RSS源的最大轮询频率可能为60分钟。
- Some RSS Feed items are summaries of the full SharePoint list item or file. 某些RSS源项目是整个SharePoint列表项或文件的摘要。
- Quick Links RSS Feed channels.com iTunes Feed Download Tattle. yufulin ... ... 台北市广州街龙山寺.
- The element defines the last publication date for the content in the RSS feed. 元素的作用是:定义RSS频道内容的最后发布日期。
- Twitter This If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! 当电视广告也做到如此程度,那你就不觉得广告是那么让人讨厌!
- In the Item Limit section, type the maximum number of items and days to include in an RSS Feed. 在“项目限制”部分中,键入要包括在RSS源中的最大项目数和最大天数。
- In the To box, enter the name of the person to whom you want to send the RSS Feed subscription information. 在“收件人”框中,输入您要向其发送该RSS源订阅信息的人的姓名。
- You can also enter the Internet address, known as the URL, of an RSS feed directly in Outlook. 还可以直接在Outlook中输入RSS源的Internet地址(也称为URL)。
- If you want to share a single RSS Feed, you can send a special e-mail message that contains a link to the RSS Feed. 如果您要共享单个RSS源,可以发送一封包含该RSS源链接的特殊电子邮件。
- You need to set your news reader to retrieve the RSS feed from the CHP web site. 你必须调校你的新闻阅读器以接收生防护中心网站的RSS频道。