- In traditional radiative heat transfer approaches, view factor calculation is a key step, so it takes too much time. 传统的辐射换热计算的重点是角系数的计算,带来计算时间长的问题。
- The distribution of radiative heat flux to the combustor wall has been obtained by . 通过计算,获得了燃烧室壁面的辐射热流分布。
- The radiative heat wave in matter is an important issue concerned by inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and astrophysics. 摘要物质中的辐射热波的行为一直是人们非常关注的问题。
- The finite\|volume method for the radiative heat transfer is applied to linearly anisotropic plane\|parallel scattering media. 采用有限体积法研究了一维线性各向异性散射介质内散射相函数对辐射传递的影响规律。
- We have a big stove which radiates heat day and night. 我们有一个大火炉日夜发出热量。
- A new simplified mathematical model has been established based on the balance of total energy with radiative heat transfer equation solved by discrete ordinates method. 采用数值模拟的方法,在进行合理简化后,建立总能量平衡基础上的炉内热过程数学模型,其中辐射传递方程的求解采用离散坐标法。
- To accurately describe the fuel combustion and radiative heat transfer processes in furnaces is very crucial in comprehensive numerical simulation of ethylene pyrolyzer. 在乙烯裂解炉综合模拟研究中,准确地描述炉膛内燃料燃烧和辐射传热过程极其重要。
- A mathematical model has also been developed in order to analyse the three different flux meters with regardto the different levels of convective and radiative heat flux. 一个数学模型也被开发为了分析三个不同磁通量计关于对流和辐射热涨潮的不同的水平。
- To validate the Bidirectional Monte-Carlo simulation for radiative heat transfer, the solution obtained from this method is compared with that from other methods. 为了验证双向蒙特卡罗法模拟热辐射传递,与文献中其它方法计算结果进行了比较。
- Every body radiates heat in the form of electromagnetic waves. 每一物体都以电磁波的形式辐射热。
- Automatic radiation heat transfer view factor calculations. 自动辐射传热系数的计算。
- We are measuring the radiation heat of these conductors. 我们在测量这些导体的辐射热。
- The spectral element method based on streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) stabilization scheme was developed to solve multidimensional radiative heat transfer in semi-transparent media. 本文发展了基于流向迎风彼得罗夫-伽辽金(SUPG)格式的谱元法来求解多维半透明介质内的辐射传递。
- The spectral element method based on streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin(SUPG)stabilization scheme was developed to solve multidimensional radiative heat transfer in semi-transparent media. 本文发展了基于流向迎风彼得罗夫-伽辽金(SUPG)格式的谱元法来求解多维半透明介质内的辐射传递。
- In this paper,radiative heat transfer method is applied to study the distribution of net heat flux of a combustible surface on a horizontal plane and a vertical line in a compartment fire. 本文用辐射换热的方法研究了可燃物在室内火灾环境下的表面热流密度随位置变化的分布,以及加入其它可燃物后所带来的变化。
- For the combustion chamber, the predicted results of pure radiative heat transfer were in good agreement with those of the zone method, while the SHF model gave relatively large deviations. 对于旋流燃烧室内温度场的模拟预报也表明,DO模型的计算结果和实验值相吻合,明显高于用SHF模型计算所得的温度值。
- Cylindrical flames with radiative heat loss and curvature are analyzed theoretically.The relation between the flame position, flame temperature, heat loss and inlet velocity is obtained. 本文从理论上分析了有辐射热损失和曲率的圆柱火焰,推导出了关于火焰位置、火焰温度同热损失和来流速度之间的关系式。
- The component diffusion and convection heat transfer of laminar developing flow is solved by the SIMPLEC algorithm, and the radiative heat transfer is calculated by the Monte Carlo method. 对圆管内辐射物性不同的两层介质层流入口段,采用SIMPLEC算法与蒙特卡罗法数值模拟了二维稳态流动与扩散混合时的辐射-对流耦合换热。
- At one time, apartments were built using a Western- style radiator heating system. 有一个时期,在韩国用西洋式散热器供暖的公寓也建过。
- The annual cost of the radiant floor heating is 10% lower than that of the radiator heating. 地面辐射采暖的最小年度化费用比散热器采暖的年度化费用减少10%25左右,是一种值得推广的经济节能型供暖方式。