- Radiography of soft tissue of hip 髋部软组织X线摄影[术]
- Radiography of the urinary tract. 尿路造影术尿路的射线照相术
- Accepted indices of hip dysplasia were measured. 这些是公认的髋发育不良的测量指数。
- She have a hamburger and a portion of hip. 她吃了一个汉堡包和一份炸薯条。
- Radiography of hip 髋部X线摄影[术]
- External Fixation for Treatment of Hip Fracture in the Elderly. 骨外固定治疗老年髋部骨折
- Only arcs and straight-lines form figures of hip joint prostheses. 采用圆弧和直线形成髋关节股骨侧假体外形轮廓。
- Radiography of veins or a vein after injection of a radiopaque substance. 静脉造影术在注入射线不能显著穿透的物质之后对静脉的放射线照相术
- She brandishes twin blaster pistols in a pair of hip holsters. 她的两把小手枪插在臀部的枪套里。
- Objective Analyse the quality of oblique radiography of cervical vertabrabo improve the rate of first-class radiograph. 目的:分析颈椎斜位片质量,提高甲片率。
- Charles Zhang is practically the personification of hip, 21st-century China. 事实上张朝阳是21世纪中国嬉皮的化身。
- Radiography of welds and viewing conditions for films -- Utilization of recommended patterns of image quality indicators (I.Q.I. 焊缝射线照相和底片观察条件像质计(I.;Q
- Of hip joint lymphatic and intumescent, very painful, what reason is knowing? 髋关节的淋巴肿大,很痛,不知道是什么原因?
- Objective: To provide the anatomical basis for neurectomy of hip joint. 目的:为髋关节去神经术提供解剖学依据。
- Conclusion\ Bone mineral density of hip is more sensitive in diagno... 结论老年人股骨颈骨密度值具有更高的诊断敏感性。
- Education of n/med tuberculosis bacili, make water is sedimentary look for radiography of n/med tuberculosis bacili, renal pelvis and cystoscope examination to conduce to diagnose. 结核杆菌培养、尿沉渣找结核杆菌、肾盂造影及膀胱镜检查有助于诊断。
- Disease of kidney soft spot is photographed in abdominal X line piece in can show increscent kidney outline, radiography of road of vein make water shows much place plentiful is short of caustic. 肾软斑症在腹部x线摄片中可显示增大的肾轮廓,静脉尿路造影显示多处充盈缺损。
- Radiography of vein renal pelvis is vein of infuse of will organic iodic solution inside, make through blood kidney essence reachs cystic and renal pelvis, ureter, ordinal develop circularly. 静脉肾盂造影是将有机碘溶液注入静脉内,通过血液循环使肾实质及肾盂、输尿管、膀胱依次显影。
- Through it all,Gray and her collaborators cooked up an impressive stew of hip hop,jazz,and rock. 在整个过程中,格雷和同伴们都炮制了一种令人难忘的、融嬉蹦文化、爵士和摇滚于一体的大杂烩。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?