- Railway Construction Officer 铁路修建官
- The greatest difficulty in railway construction is financing. 摘要目前建设轨道交通的最大困难在于资金的筹措。
- Bin Yang, Chairman, Beijing Railway Construction and Management Co., Ltd. 杨斌,北京轨道交通建设管理有限公司董事长。
- The most stringent environmental protection measures in China's railway construction history have been introduced. 采取铁路建设史上最严格的环保措施。
- There are six supervisors in this bureau who are in charge of eco-environmental protection on the railway construction sites. 他们设置了六名生态环境保护监管员,负责施工现场沿线的生态保护工作。
- The railway builders will take all measures to meet the environmental requirements of the railway construction. 铁路建设者将采用一切可能的方法和措施,力争建成一条符合环保要求的铁路。
- Operation cost account is a critical aspect of high speed railway construction and its economy benefit evaluation. 摘要运营成本计算是高速铁路建设和经济效益评价的关键问题之一。
- It is studied that the computer information technology is applied to the construction of railway construction. 本文旨在研究计算机信息技术在铁道建筑工程施工中应用,提出了铁道建筑工程信息化施工的主要内容;
- With the scale of the speed railway construction, railway section of the stock market more and more sought after. 随着铁路建设规模的提速,铁路板块的股票越来越受到市场的追捧。
- Currently, several billion RMB will be invested in subway and interurban railway construction projects in Nanjing. 目前;
- Contact unit: Taizhou Huangyan District Command Center for Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Railway Construction. 联系单位为台州市黄岩区甬台温铁路建设指挥部。
- Taking effective measures to minimize the pollution that the railway construction might cause to the plateau's ecological environment. 采取有效措施,最大程度地减少施工作业对高原生态环境的污染。
- The use of land for railway construction shall be handled in accordance with provisions of relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations. 第三十六条铁路建设用地,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。
- To achieve this goal, all the construction units have signed a responsibility pledge for eco-environmental protection with the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Construction Planning Office. 为了把对生态环境带来的不利影响控制到最低程度,青藏铁路建设总指挥部与建设施工单位签订了生态环境保护责任书。
- The founding of the PRC,Zhou Enlai pay attention to the railway construction of the Western China and beet up the railway construction. 新中国建立后,周恩来非常关注西部地区经济的发展,特别是交通运输的发展,为此付出了大量的心血。
- In the end, the author discusses the problem of how to reform its property rights system for railway construction enterprise including MBO and ESOP. 第三,结合铁路施工企业的实际,就应用管理层收购(MBO)、职工持股计划(ESOP)对铁路施工企业深化产权改革进行了探讨。
- At present this system has been used in Shendong Company, Pingzhuang, Jinzhou Railway Construction Group and other units, and it goes well. 目前已在神东公司、平庄矿务局、锦州铁路建设集团等单位使用,并且运行情况良好。
- Rail ASTRI successive Railway Construction Corporation is a research, research assistance, deputy research, a researcher and supervisor. 历任铁科院铁建所研实员、助研员、副研员、研究员、博士生导师。
- In Chungjin city the construction office has been unable to feed its 550 employees for 16 months.The rate of absenteeism has reached a third. 清津城的基建科无力支付其550名员工薪水已经长达16个月,缺勤率已高达三分之一。
- With incremented railway construction in wind erosion areas,the problem of wind erosion of railway construction demand more attentions. 随着在风力侵蚀区交通工程建设的增多,交通线路风力侵蚀问题日益受到关注。