- Eighth seed Marcelo Rios won the Salem Open at Hong Kong,stopping Rainer Schuettler's winning streak at nine matches with a 7-7 (7-3),6-2 victory. 8号种子马塞罗·里奥斯获得香港网球公开赛冠军,以7比7(7比3抢7局获胜)和6比2击败雷内·舒特勒,从而阻止了后者的九连胜。
- Eighth seed Marcelo Rios won the Salem Open at Hong Kong, stopping Rainer Schuettler's winning streak at nine matches with a 7-7 (7-3), 6-2 victory. 8号种子马塞罗·里奥斯获得香港网球公开赛冠军,以7比7(7比3抢7局获胜)和6比2击败雷内·舒特勒,从而阻止了后者的九连胜。
- Rainer Schuettler 舒特勒
- Rainer Maria RilkeLord: it is time. 主啊!是时候了。
- Guille not only served well again, but also had an answer to whatever Schuettler tried to do. 吉列不仅又一次在发球中有上佳表现,并且让舒特勒各种各样的努力都无法奏效。
- E.g. They had com to Boys State agreeing that Taunton would run for governor, Rainer for Boys Nation. 他们来参加“少年州”时曾有约让汤顿得竞选州长,雷诺则竞选“少年国家”议员。
- Guille accomplished his third break of the match in the first set: Schuettler was serving 40-15 and went out to close the game as soon as possible. 吉列在第二盘第三局完成了破发,当时舒特勒以40-15领先,他主动上网,但吉列连续三次永反手的穿越球的分,反超对手并破掉了他的发球局,以3-0领先。
- On the other hand, young teenagers want to try out different things, said Rainer Schuetz of Germany's parents' hotline. 但另外一方面,德国父母谘询专线的雷纳.苏维兹表示,青少年也希望尝试不同事物。
- Then there was journalist Rainer Hoelz, who filmed the recovery of the Iceman, and who died of a brain tumour. 赖纳-赫尔茨,记者,曾用摄像机记录下这具木乃伊被发现的全过程。他死于脑肿瘤。
- Nicholas Rainer was born in South Africa but emigrated to the island paradise of Mauritius when he was 10 years old. 尼古拉斯出生于南非,在他10岁时移居至岛国天堂毛里求斯。
- Rainer Metzger is an art historian and teacher, who lectures on art history at the University of Stuttgart. 这个细节是蔡皋的创造,当然也泄漏了她爱植物爱儿童的秉性。
- Rodin met the poet Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926).He was Rodin's secretary from 15 September 1905 to 12 May 1906. 巧遇诗人里尔克,1905年9月15日至1906年5月12日间,担任罗丹的秘书。
- Or, as stated by Egyptologist Rainer Stadelman, “Tourism is already a catastrophe. 或如埃及古物学者RainerStadelman所说,“旅游已经成为一种灾难。
- The Consciousness Of Waiting is an important element in DUINESER ELEGIEN written by Rainer Maria Rilke who was a German poet in 20~th century. 等待意识是20世纪德国诗人里尔克的《杜伊诺哀歌》中的一项重要内容,但一直并未受到足够的重视。
- "And with the war - it's this way: it isn't Alexander Blok and Rainer Maria Rilke fighting, but a machine gun with a machine gun. “有关战争-是这样的: 并非亚历山大.;勃洛克和莱纳
- Germany, though, has one of the strictest gun-control regimes in the world, says Rainer Wendt, head of the country's Police Union. 国家警察工会会长RainerWendt说,德国是世界上拥有最严格的枪支管理制度的国家之一。
- Muted piano is folded in and when the fast tempo beat emerges, it reminds me of Rainer Bloss’ album of years past, Drive-Inn Vol. 静音钢琴是折当快节奏队的出现,它使我想起赖布罗斯医师相册的过去的几年中,驱动客栈成交量。
- Will waken,read,and write long letters,wander up and down the barren paths .The parks expose when the leaves are blown.
by Rainer Marie Rilke. 谁此时孤独;就永远孤独.;就醒来;读书;写长长的信 - Rainer Buessing and Kurt Niemeyer use historic bicycles as they were modern during some years of the 19th century, 14 August 2007 in Hagen, western Germany. 布辛和尼梅耶14日在德国西部哈根市试骑19世纪的古老脚踏车。他们正在提倡一种用双足踩踏板朝前推进的两轮车或三轮车。
- Lecture by Mr. Rainer Hungerbuhler, the General Manager of Swiss GF AgieCharmilles (HK) Co. Ltd. on “Precision Manufacturing Technology of GF AgieCharmilles and Chinese Market”. 广东工业大学机电工程学院副院长高健教授让学生们充分了解了“广东精密制造技术现状与未来”。