- Raise seedling technique of forest tree by plougless farming 林木免耕育苗技术研究
- Raising seedling technique 育苗技术
- Raise Seedling Technique on Sabina vulgeris in Container of Green House 沙地柏大棚容器扦插育苗技术
- Tests on Grafting and Raising Seedling Techniques of Triploid Chinese White Poplar 三倍体毛白杨嫁接育苗技术试验
- Study on Raising Seedling Technology of Polygonum capitatum. 头花蓼种子育苗技术研究。
- Seeds sowing and raising seedlings techniques for Cacti 仙人掌类播种育苗技术
- Layer Raising Seedlings Techniques of Cross Hazelnut 杂交榛压条育苗技术
- A study on the introduction and raising seedling of Pinus banksiana Lamb. 北美短叶松引种试验效果浅析。
- Raise Seedlings Technique on Broadcast Seeding of Qinghai Spruce 青海云杉撒播育苗技术
- The author summarizes a set of technique of raising seedling and forestation technique of S.alnifoila according to his actual operation and observation to provide reference for forest worker. 作者通过对水榆花楸育苗和造林的实际操作和观测,总结出一套水榆花楸育苗和造林的技术,供广大林业工作者育苗造林上参考。
- Generally, there are three methods for raising seedling in a large scale: tissue culture, seed germination and cuttage. 通常有三种方法可以用来大规模培育红豆杉秧苗:组织培养,种子萌发和扦插繁殖法。
- As compared with the dry seedling technique, it had the advantage of simple operation, high safety coefficient and lower input etc. 与旱育苗技术相比有著简单易行,安全性好、低投入等优点。
- Comparing seed bed culture with raising seedling dish,the former is more easily managed,and has higher amounts of tuber and higher ratio of big tuber than the later. 通过对苗床和育苗盘栽培比较 ;前者利于管理 ;结薯量和大薯率都较后者高 .
- Raising seedlings of Syringa pinnatifolia Hemsl. And S. Persica L. 羽叶丁香、花叶丁香育苗技术。
- Study on Cuttage Raise Seedlings Technique of Chinese White Poplar and 84K Poplar 毛白杨、84K杨扦插育苗技术研究
- The results show that yield of raising seedling are ranked as follows: plastic disk raising seedling (A2)>upland raising seedling (A3) >two-stages raising seedling in greenhouse(A1). 结果表明,水稻产量,育秧方式以塑盘育小苗(A2)>地床旱育秧(A3)>温室两段育秧(A1);
- Grafting Seedling Technique of Cucumber 黄瓜嫁接育苗技术
- Seedling Technique of Collard in Greenhouse 羽衣甘蓝工厂化温室育苗技术
- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点乾枯。