- Rana dybowskii Guenther 东北林蛙
- Effect of Pen Rearing on the Chemical Components of Meat Meal Tankage in Rana dybowskii 圈养对东北林蛙体成分的影响
- Rana dybowskii 东北林蛙
- No te iwi o Rana, ko Amiere tama a Kemari. 属 但 支 派 的 有 基 玛 利 的 儿 子 亚 米 利 。
- Thank you Rana, and they better even. 还没有人转贴任何连结。
- It was ruled by the Rana oligarchy for more than a century. 它就曾被拉纳寡头统治了一个多世纪。
- Sequences Analysis of Sox Gene and Dmrt Gene of Rana livida[J]. 引用该论文 陈启龙;马文丽;郑文岭;姚文娟;聂刘旺.
- His colleague Rana G.S. Talwar,an Indian national,heads the consumer business. 他的印度同事Rana G.;S
- This Rana catesbeiana fantastic now a lot of things, typical amphibia. 有时要关心一下外头世界发生什么事!这三个回应就是典型的井底蛙!
- Karl Guenther was Acting Chief of Jiangnan Cement Plant and Property Right Representative of German Sienssen &Company. Karl Guenther)江南水泥厂代理厂长,德国禅臣洋行的产权代表。
- The other user of the fishway is Zacco pachycephalus (Guenther) and the population size in the downstream is significantly larger than the upstream. 粗首?也是属于鱼道的主要利用族群,但是其在下游的数量明显多于上游。
- Max Weber, Economy and Society, edited by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, Berkeley: University of California Press, reissue, 1978. vol.II, p.1394. 马克斯·韦伯著:《新教伦理与资本主义精神》,于晓、陈维纲等译,北京:三联书店1987年版。第14页。
- "These findings show tangible proof that plant-to-plant communication occurs on the ecosystem level," says Alex Guenther, a co-author of the study. 这一研究的共同作者亚力克斯。冈瑟说,这些发现充分地证明,在生态系统的层次上作物之间的交流是存在的。
- This paper deals with the preliminary studies on feeding habits of Phrynocephalus grumgrizmaloi, Badriaga and Eremias multiocellata, Guenther. 本文对东疆沙蜥和密点麻蜥的食性特征进行了调查研究。
- Methods:The lymphocyte,marrow and spermary which are cultivated outside the body of Guenther are used as the experiment material. 凹甲陆龟Testudo impressa (Guenther)隶属爬行纲(Reptilia)龟鳖目(Testudinata)陆龟科(Testudi- nidae)动物,在我国分布于海南岛、云南、广西等地,是一种常见的经济爬行动物并具药用价值。组型特征是一种分类性状,研究凹甲陆龟的染色体组型,可为我国爬行类动物种间亲缘关系的研究提供细胞遗传学方面的依据。
- Max Weber, Economy and Society, 2 vols, edited by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, Berkeley: University of California Press, reissue, 1978. p.892. 马克斯·韦伯著:《新教伦理与资本主义精神》,于晓、陈维纲等译,北京:三联书店1987年版。第14页。
- The Hindustan Times reported that Rana left grief-stricken Kathmandu for safety reasons on Saturday afternoon onboard a flight to New Delhi. 这位被卷入漩涡中的姑娘名叫德维亚尼·拉娜(Devyani Rana),她并不是一般人想象的那种出身贫寒的灰姑娘,拉娜有着很深厚的家庭背景。
- Max Weber, Economy and Society, edited by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, Berkeley: University of California Press, reissue, 1978. vol.II, p.1394. 马克斯·韦伯著:《新教伦理与资本主义精神》,于晓、陈维纲等译,北京:三联书店1987年版。第14页。
- "Good but not perfect," said Mario Vazquez Rana, president of the Pan American Sports Organization. "好,但并非十全十美,说:"马里奥巴斯克斯拉纳先生的泛美体育组织。
- Study on nutritional diseases of bullfrogs(Rana catdsbeiana Shaw)fed on silkworm pupa. 饲喂蚕蛹后牛蛙的营养性病变研究