- Ranunculus longipetalusn. 窄瓣毛茛
- What song could the Ranunculus sing? 金凤花会唱出一支什么歌呢?
- Chemical Constituents of Roots of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. 猫爪草中化学成分的研究。
- And the Ranunculus shone brightly, and looked again at Gerda. 金凤花放射出美丽的光彩,又把格尔达望了一眼。
- The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of Ranunculus. 一般认为,前者的花瓣与毛茛属植物花萼同源。
- The applying potential of purifying sewage with Ranunculus sceleratus L. 石龙芮在城市生活污水净化中的应用潜力。
- Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus, including the buttercups. 毛茛属一种植物毛茛,包括毛茛
- The study of phytotaxonomy of the genus Ranunculus in Inner Mongolia. 内蒙古毛莨属的分类研究.
- The Observation on Chromosome Aneuploid and Chromosome Abnormity in Ranunculus sceleratus L. 石龙芮染色体非整倍性和染色体异常的观察。
- Preliminary Studies on Natural Ecological Distribution and Utilization of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. 小毛莨自然生态分布和开发利用的初步研究。
- Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus that have palmately cleft or divided leaves,such as the buttercups. 毛茛属植物任一种具有鸟蹼状裂瓣叶子的数目众多的毛茛属植物,如毛茛
- Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus that have palmately cleft or divided leaves, such as the buttercups. 毛茛属植物任一种具有鸟蹼状裂瓣叶子的数目众多的毛茛属植物,如毛茛
- Title: The applying potential of purifying sewage with Ranunculus sceleratus L. 关键词:石龙芮;污水净化;总氮;总磷
- To October, around the top of the mountains is snowy, but for this little bit of blood in the Ranunculus flowers. 到十月,周围高山之巅已是白雪皑皑,这里却换之以斑斑点点的毛莨花。
- One species and one variety of Aconitum and Delphinium each, one species of Thalictrum, one subspecies of Adonis, and five species of Ranunculus are described as new. 在本文中描述了乌头属和翠雀属各一新种和一新亚种,唐松草属一新种,侧金盏花属一新亚种,以及毛茛属五新种;
- The determination of twenty one kinds of constant and trace elements in Chinese herb Ranunculus ternatus thunb was performed by ICP-AES. 运用ICP-AES法对河南、新疆产猫爪草中常量及微量元素进行了测定。
- OBJECTIVE To investigate into the pharmacological effect and chemical composition of the organic acid of Radix Ranunculus Ternati. 目的研究中药材猫爪草有机酸部位的药理作用及化学组成。
- Genetic differentiation of 11 populations in Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. from Central China was detected by means of PAGE. 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对分布于华中地区的11个小毛茛(Ranunculus ternatus)居群的遗传分化进行了检测。
- This study aimed to analyze the morphological and cytological characteristics of Ranunculus cantoniensis within and among populations. 摘要运用居群学的方法,对居群内、居群间的禺毛茛进行了形态及细胞学两方面的性状分析。