- Rated Dead Load 额定静载荷
- The dead load analysis need not be revised. 不需要重新进行静载分析了。
- All the dead load of the curtain wall panel is support by left mullion only. 所有幕墙自重荷载仅靠左侧竖框承担;
- The increase in nominal stress due to live load, BC, is usually small in comparison with the dead load, OA. 活载产生的名义应力的增量BC段与恒载产生的名义应力OA段相比一般是很小的。
- The fretting life of conductor increases with the decrease of bending amplitude and dead load. 导线微动寿命随弯曲振幅和外加静载荷的减小而增大。
- There' re two reasons for that. Firstly, it repeats all the way up the building; secondly, it has the greatest effect on the dead load of the building. 这样说有两个理由。其一,从建筑物底层向上每层都重复出现楼板;其二,楼板对建筑物的静荷载影响最大。
- To ensure the integrity of the girder and resist transverse bending due to dead load and service load, powerful transverse prestressing tendons were disposed in the diaphragms. 为加强主梁受力的整体性,抵抗静载和动载产生的横向弯矩,横梁结构内设置了横向预应力钢束。
- This paper presents cheeking computations, experimental process andexperiment results of dead load test on partially prestressed concrete T-beam ofXinxing overpassbridge. 介绍了新兴立交桥部分预应力T梁检算、静载试验过程和试验结果。通过理论分析及试验结果表明。
- Then, the authors put forward a method for solving the ideal dead load state by organically combining the finite element method with the numerical analytical method. 然后提出了将有限元法与数值解析法有机地结合起来的理想恒载状态求解方法。
- The orthotropic steel deck with thin asphalt pavement have been used popularly to long-span bridges in order to reduce dead load and improve the span length. 大跨径钢桥大多采用正交异性钢桥面板和薄层沥青铺装的钢桥面铺装结构,大大的减轻了结构自重,从而,提高了桥梁的跨越能力。
- This paper put forward a new pre-produced tensegrity structure,and analyzed the structure under the dead load and live load through a simulation procedure. 提出了一种新型的预制类张拉整体结构,通过仿真的方法对结构进行均布荷载作用下的受力分析,并根据内力分布的特点确定了相应的施工方法。
- Further study indicated that cross beams and axial forces have great influence to the shear lag effect of longitudinal box girders under full dead load. 进一步的研究表明,在恒载作用下该桥纵梁的剪力滞效应受横梁、轴力的影响很大。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- To evaluate fracture instability, the total sum of stresses due to residual welding or rolling stresses, dead load, and live loads must be considered. 计算断裂失稳性时,必须考虑焊接或轧制残余应力,恒载应力和活载应力之总和。
- The stilling basin base plate supports mainly the hydrodynamic load, the dead load and the uplift, its stable condition depends mainly on the hydrodynamic pressure, the uplift and the dead load in the base plate surface and the botton surface. 消能塘底板主要承受动水荷载、重及扬压力,其稳定条件主要取决于作用在底板表、面上的动水压力、压力及自重等。
- According to the analysis of the table lookup, the graph method and the simulating formula method of selecting bolt diameter without controlling pretightening force under dead load were presented in this paper. 摘要通过对查表法资料进行分析,提出了静载时选择不控制预紧力的紧螺栓联接螺栓直径的图线法和模拟公式法。
- Then the computation vertical load (dead load and live load) under the function structure endogenic force, discovers most disadvantageous group or a several group of endogenic force combination. 接着计算竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力, 是找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合。
- The loads for which a building must be designed may be classified into dead loads,vertical live loads,and lateral live loads. 设计建筑物必须考虑的荷载可分为恒载、竖直活荷载和侧向活荷载。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。