- Rated power and rotate speed 电机速度和转动速度
- The rated power parameters of starter are briefly introduced in this paper.It also expounds how to select the rotate speed and torque at rated power and how to test the power parameters and curve. 介绍起动机的额定功率参数,阐述如何选择起动机额定功率时的转速和转矩,以及功率参数和功率曲线的测试。
- The crosswise velocity, longitudinal velocity and rotate speed of the stirring screws can be adjusted. 搅拌螺旋的转速、小车横向移动速度,以及大车前进速度,均可以通过变频器调整。
- Demarcate power and correspond rotate speed 标定功率及相应转速
- This paper introduces the structure, work laws and process of overfall valve and rotate speed control valve in a lately devel oped cleaner. 介绍新研制的一种新型清洗机所采用的调压溢流阀和转速调节阀结构、原理及工作过程。
- Theoxygen transfer rate increases with aeration rate and rotating speed,with the former parame-ter being the most significantly. 氧传递速率、通气速率均与转达有关,其中通气速丰的影响最为显著。
- Two kinds of wind power generation systems are introduced as well as the frequency control,power control and rotational speed control of generator in parallel operation. 介绍了风力发电系统的两种形式和并网运行的频率控制、功率控制、发电机转速控制。
- Abstract: BDFM real-time monitoring system’s paraments includes the voltage,electric current,frequency and power factor of the host winding and via winding and rotational speed. 摘 要: 无刷双馈电机监控实时数据采集包括主副绕组电压、电流、频率、功率因素和转速等物理量。
- In actual production,the water content in degermed maize and rotate speed of screw in extruding machine were regarded as the most important factors if the change in the content of protein reflected and adjusted the filtration of worts. 在实际生产中,如果通过蛋白质含量的变化来反映与调节糖化醪及糖化液的过滤速度,则玉米粉含水量和挤压机螺杆转速应作为首要调节因素。
- He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth. 他追求不到可望而不可即的权力和财富,受尽了折磨。
- The software applies the technology of dynamic multipledocuments. It includes password module, initialization module, waves of torque and rotate speed display module, data and report forms module and help module. 采用动态多文档技术,整个系统包括以下几个部分:密码模块、转速和扭矩的初始化模块、转速和扭矩实时波形显示模块、数据与报表模块以及帮助模块等。
- The results showed that lignin content,compatibilizer content,rate of plasticzier to lignin and rotation speed and temperature had obvious effects to torque. 结果表明木质素、增容剂、增塑剂、转速、温度对扭矩值有明显影响;
- More power and higher speed result in this way. 用这种方法会产生更大的功率和更高的速度。
- For the extracting haulm of screw pump is a revolving machine, the acquisition of torque, axial force and rotate speed is realized through wireless data communication in this paper. 由于螺杆泵抽油杆是旋转机械,对于扭矩、轴向力、转速三参数的测量,本文采用了无线数据通讯技术。
- He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy far all that. 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。
- Under mapping out mechanical hardware, electrical hardware and firmware, the system measures voltages, currents, torque and rotate speed from AC server motor and saves as digital form in DSP MCU. 在本系统机构硬体、电路硬体和韧体规划下,对AC伺服马达进行三相电压、三相电流、扭力、转速等动态特性量测,并将类比讯号数位化后储存于DSP处理器。
- He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that. 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。
- He must have speed, power and agility. 他必须有很好的速度;力量和灵敏的素质.
- The baron expected his baroness to marry a man of power and wealth. 男爵盼望自己的女儿嫁个有钱有势的人。