- mash and grain ration feeding system 混合粉料加谷物日粮饲养法
- The result shows that properly increasing pulse length and space, improving concentration of saponified oil emulsion as well as setting rational feeding speed can get the above problems well resolved. 研究表明,适当加大脉冲宽度、增加脉冲间隙、提高皂化油乳化液浓度以及设置合理的进给速度,能够很好地解决铝材线切割中存在的问题。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- She crumb the bread before feeding it to the birds. 她把面包弄碎,然后喂给鸟吃。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那个拳击家是个大肚汉。
- The cows were feeding on hay in the barn. 母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。
- She charged only a nominal fee for her work. 她为所做的工作只收取象征性的费用。
- Know the dangers of feeding poor quality feed. 指导低质量的草料的危险性。
- We'll have to ration out the water. 我们得将水按定额配给。
- His illness was brought on by poor feeding. 他的病是饮食不佳引起的。
- They had to ration petrol during the war. 战时他们不得不限量供给汽油。
- Let's lie off till the next feeding time. 歇会儿,到下次加料时再干。
- The fee paid to a mint by a government. 铸币费政府支付给铸币厂的钱
- Cows and sheep depends forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料喂养。
- I thought the accountant's fee rather high. 我认为那个会计师收费很高。
- He can barely feed and clothe his family. 他勉强能给予全家人温饱。
- A child was feeding the peahen in the zoo. 一个孩子正在喂动物园里的那只雌孔雀。
- I'll soon have him feeding out of my hand. 很快我就会叫他顺从我。
- The zoo keeper is feeding the animals. 动物园饲养人在喂动物。
- The doctor's fee was higher than we expected. 这位医生的收费比我们预料的高。