- Reading Notes of Lu You Studies No. 陆游研究札记之三。
- N.B. : Please read notes overleaf before completion. 注:填写本证明书前请参阅后页注释。
- "Take Civic Ethic Education as the Nucleus"--Reading Notes on the Research of Cai Yuanpei's Education Thought. "以公民道德教育为中坚"--蔡元培教育思想研究札记。
- Reading Notes for Rich and Steele essays. Assignment #1, Reading and writing history is due; bring 3 copies to class. Small group workshops. 3阅读理查与史狄尔的作品笔记。作业一,阅读和写作史;带3份复印内容到课堂上。小组讨论工作坊。
- The paper is reading notes, not emending excursus, so don't stick to scope and form. 此文是校读丛劄,非校记,所以范围、形式上有些不拘旧格。
- Dai Wangshu's poetics is not a monograph with self-contained system,but some fragmentary reading notes. 戴望舒的诗论不是体系完备的诗学专著,而是一些零札片论。
- Reading Notes for Rich and Steele essays. Assignment#1, Reading and writing history is due; bring3 copies to class. Small group workshops. 阅读理查与史狄尔的作品笔记。作业一,阅读和写作史;带3份复印内容到课堂上。小组讨论工作坊。
- Mr Huang Kan revealed several different implications of "chapters and sentences" in the Reading Notes of WEN XIN DIAO LONG. 摘要黄侃先生《文心雕龙札记》揭示了“章句”的几个不同涵义。
- Wu Guanzhong is a painting artist and an essayist. The present book is a collection of his essays and reading notes that he has finished in recent years. 吴冠中先生是著名画家,又是散文作家。本书汇集了作者近几年撰写的散文、随笔和札记。
- Most of his valuable composing thoughts, such as the literature social function, art trueness, succinct language, objective attitude included, are reflected in his writing letters and reading notes. 而对契诃夫创作思想的研究也是契诃夫研究中的薄弱环节。
- Please take notes of the important while you read. 请边读边把重要的事情记下来。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- I can't read your shorthand notes. 你的速记笔记我看不懂。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- Cheek- reading Notes of Dunhuang Praying Words 敦煌愿文校读札记
- Newly Revising the Reading Notes of Meng Chuang Ci 新校梦窗词札记
- Reading Notes of the Time of Chinese History of Art 关于中国美术史分期的札记
- He always makes careful note while he is reading. 当他阅读时,他总是仔细作笔记。