- Instead of being confined to the sole reading activities such as scanning and skimming, the reading strategy research now is in the higher stage of the background knowledge activation and the cognitive strategy. 随着阅读研究的不断深入,阅读策略的研究内容也不断丰富,已从最初的传统意义上单纯的阅读行为,如跳读、略读发展到当今的激活背景知识、图式的认知策略,等等。
- Reading strategy research 策略研究
- Opening strategy research on China tourism industry II. 中国旅游业对外开放战略研究2。
- The Development Strategy Research of Guangdong Finance Trust & Investment Corp. 广东粤财信托投资公司发展战略研究
- Abstract: “Translationese” potentially exists as a reading strategy in our process of English learning. 文章摘要: 翻译体是我们自身语言学习过程中的一个潜文本,它不代表译文不通,也不完全等同于异化。
- "Translationese" potentially exists as a reading strategy in our process of English learning. 翻译体是我们自身语言学习过程中的一个潜文本,它不代表译文不通,也不完全等同于异化。
- Competition Strategy Research of Heavy-duty Truck for CITIC Machinery Manufactory Inc. 中信机电制造公司重型载重货车竞争战略研究
- It is generally agreed that second language learning strategy research began in 1970s (Wen in Cohen, 2000:F11). 人们普遍认为第二语言学习策略的研究开始于二十世纪七十年代(Wen in Cohen 2000:F11)。
- Therefore, the reading strategy studyinvolved in prediction, word-attack skill, skimming and scanning for SVS students is meaningful and worthwhile. 因此对中职英语阅读中预测、词汇、略读与寻读三类策略进行研究是有必要、也是值得的。
- Therefore, it has practical significance that to do some strategy research on broking business innovation. 因此,对我国证券经纪业务进行创新战略研究对于其发展具有实际意义。
- Investigat on appreciat on and strategy research for Yan Cheng country industry. 盐城市乡镇工业污染源调查评价及其对策研究。
- Features of the teaching will include vocabulary building, listening and conversation practice, essential grammar explication, and reading strategy learning. 课程内容包括:字汇掌握、听力与会话练习、重要文法说明以及阅读技巧学习。
- Third, Qian offers a reading strategy for posterity: read between the lines to flesh out the Ming loyalists’ intent as embodied in those “subtle words. 钱氏诗史说主微言大义,无异提供一种较为隐晦的修辞策略,在语犯时忌的阴影下,诗史性的书写或多或少发挥著一种保障的功能。
- Foss. N. Competence, Governance and Entrepreneurship:Advance in Economic Strategy Research[M]. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 2000. 德姆塞茨,哈罗德.;企业经济学[M]
- Facing the complex and dynamic competition environment, enterprise competition strategy research and practice must be more and more dynamic. 面对复杂的动态竞争环境,企业竞争战略的研究与实践也必须随之变得越来越动态。
- As David Bowers of Absolute Strategy Research points out, it makes an enormous difference which crisis (if either) is being replayed. Absolute Strategy Research的DavidBowers指出,金融危机的重演(如果真有的话)是有很巨大差别的。
- Most of the activities are as relevant to native speakers as they are to ESL students, especially the units on Web-based research, listening and speaking skills, library skills, essay writing and reading strategies. 而且其中大多数练习活动既适用于英语为母语者,也适用于雅思备考学生,特别是其中的网上资料查询,听力和口语技巧,书目查询,文章写作及阅读方法。
- The character can provide for the medium to strategy research, and lead a series of contents for the medium to operate the strategy. 收视特征的提出是为媒体策略研究提供可行性参照,并由此导出一系列媒体的内容和经营策略。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。