- Since the establishment of the realm of art and literature of collection room , have got extensive concern and energetical support of the country and province city leader. 海源阁艺苑集锦斋自成立以来,得到了国家及省市领导的广泛关注与大力支持。
- Zhang Jinling, a talented woman in the realm of art and literature 艺苑才女张金玲
- Realm of art and literature 艺术和文学的领域;泛指文艺界
- They are appreciative of art and literature, and especially of drama. 他们对艺术和文学有很好的鉴赏力,尤其是戏剧。
- It was a world of ballets and balls, of art and literature, of tea and caviar. 那是一个布满了芭蕾舞和舞会、艺术和文学、茶和鱼子酱的世界。
- It was a world of ballets and balls,of art and literature,of tea and caviar. 那是一个充满了芭蕾舞和舞会、艺术和文学、茶和鱼子酱的世界。
- Naturally they wished to see their life and struggle reflected in works of art and literature. 他们自然愿意他们的生活和斗争在文艺作品中得到反映。
- The Olympics are not simply athletic championships, but embody a sense of honor, a sense of art and literature, and a veneration of beauty. 奥林匹克运动会不仅仅是体育竞赛,它还包含着一种荣誉感和对美的崇敬,并且与文化艺术融为一体。
- Vanessa, a painter, agreed to marry the critic of art and literature Clive Bell. 文妮莎是一位画家,同意嫁给文学艺术批评家克莱夫贝尔。
- A person who appreciates /A person with appreciation of art and literature is qualified for the job. 一个具有文学艺术欣赏力的人能胜任这项工作。
- E.Bloch, The Utopian Function of Art and Literature (The MIT Press,Cambridge,Massachusetts,1988). 这本书选编了布洛赫不同时期的文论。
- The Olympics are not simply athletic championships,but embody a sense of honor,a sense of art and literature,and a veneration of beauty. 奥林匹克运动会不仅仅是体育竞赛,它还包含着一种荣誉感和对美的崇敬,并且与文化艺术融为一体。
- She has an appreciation of art and music. 她对于美术和音乐有了解。
- The Olympics are not simply athletic championships, but embody a sense of honor, sense of art and literature, and a veneration of beauty. 奥林匹克运动会不仅仅是体育竞赛,它还包含着一种荣誉感和对美的憧憬,并且与文化、艺术融为一体。
- History of Art and Theory of Art II. 艺术史与艺术理论2。
- He Qifang made creative contribution to literature theory and his theory is valuable spirit asset to develop the ideas of art and literature in the new era. 何其芳对文学理论做出了创造性的贡献,他的理论建树是发展新时期文艺观念的宝贵精神财富。
- Shanghai AI ZHENG Broadcast of Art and Culture Ltd. 上海艾正艺术文化传播有限公司。
- Love is an eternal motif in art and literature. 爱情是文学艺术中的永恒主题。
- Fan Wenge, Deputy Editor in Chief of Art and Literature Press;and Ma Runsheng, a film critic and General Manager of the Distribution Center of China Film and Television. 赵树理的精神是开放的,又是包容了各种创作风格创作流派的,所以赵树理文学奖的设立就很有气势。
- Fashions in art and literature come and go. 文艺的潮流总是昙花一现。