- Refom of Late Qing Dynasty 清末新政
- In southern Shaanxi of late Qing Dynasty, landlord-tenant fanning was the dominant practice. 摘要清后期陕南地区的地主-佃农经济和小农佃耕制度占据主导地位。
- The research on CEN Yu-ying is one of important topics the personage study of late Qing Dynasty. 摘要岑毓英研究是晚清人物研究的重要选题之一。
- The novelists of late Qing Dynasty wrote a lot of novels about customhouses and created many modern customhouse images in different ways. 中国近代海关具有显著的时代特征,晚清小说对此有广泛的反映。
- After the founding of PRC, Cixi, Empress Dowager of late Qing Dynasty has been regarded as the chieftain of feudal landlord class, nailed to the pillory. 摘要建国后30年晚清女主慈禧太后一直作为封建地主阶级的总头子,被钉在历史的耻辱柱上。
- The phenomenon of female footbinding was lasted about a thousand years in china.At the age of late Qing Dynasty, the work female footbinding of rural China is very common. 妇女缠足作为一个在中国持续了一千年左右的现象,在晚清时已发展到了中国绝大部分地区农村劳动阶级的妇女也普遍缠足的程度。
- From that time on, the comprador took advantage of their particular status and experience fully to take active part in national insurance of late Qing Dynasty. 到目前为止 ,仅有一些探求买办在外商保险公司附股的研究成果。
- Su Mansu, viewed in any aspect,is a "heretic" in modern and contemporary history and he is a "unique"character at the turn of Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China. 近现代历史上,苏曼殊无论从哪个角度来看,都是“异数”,是清末民初“不可无一,不可有二”的人物。他的:惊世骇俗的生存方式,他自成风格的文艺创作,都是备受争议。
- During Jia and Dao Times of late Qing Dynasty, the new academic ideological trend appeared in academia, with the reconciliation of Han and Song, the rejuvenation of Confucian classical learning and the emergence of study for the purpose application. 于是在嘉道之际,学术界出现了汉宋调和、今文经学的复兴和经世致用之学等新的学术思潮。
- Wang Kaiyun's study on Confucian classics wan unique in the history of Chinese modern Confucian classics It is cued the important links in the academic evolution of Late Qing Dynasty. 摘要在中国近代经学史上,王闿运的经学研究自成体系,独树一帜,是晚清学术嬗变过程中极为重要的一环。
- The Custom of late Qing dynasty, a government ministry with various functions, was not only in charge of the taxation for external trades of the country, also very diplomatically important. 中国近代海关是一个职能庞杂的政府机构,它不仅是中西贸易的征税机构,而且是资本主义列强对华关系的重要基地。
- On the Defensive Soldiers of Late Qing Dynasty 晚清各省的防勇
- social vicissitude of late Qing Dynasty 晚清社会变迁
- Condeming novels of late Qing Dynasty 清末谴责小说
- navy schools of late Qing Dynasty 晚清海军学堂
- non-government of late Qing Dynasty 清末民间
- New Policy Reform of Late Qing Dynasty 慈禧
- That were built during the late Qing Dynasty. 大多数还都是清朝末年建造的。
- The Modern Customhouse Images in the Novels of Late Qing Dynasty 简析晚清小说中的近代海关形象
- Culture Eclecticism of Late Qing Dynasty's Early Reformers 晚清早期维新思想家的文化折衷主义